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What I have learned....Long Read :)



Since I ventured into the world of Ecigs back in 2010, I have learned a lot. Sometimes too much, apparently not enough! So I am writing up this post because I want to share with everyone the things I have learned about vaping and the vape community.

I want to start with the vaping community. We are a fickle bunch and often spoiled beyond repair by our vendors. They will bend over backwards to make sure you are taken care of. I could list off the better ones of the bunch but it would be too long in all reality. Vendors don't have favourites (if they do, they don't make it public knowledge) as a consumer, I have to remember a vendors number 1 goal is to make his business profitable, then comes the other benefits of providing good customer service, better products ect. If you're good to your vendor, they return it, sometimes 10 fold to you. This is something I have learned in my short 33 years, a few of them spent running a brilliant non profit for kids and helping run 5 vehicular rental agencies, one of them the oldest in the US. How I treated my customer all depended on how they treated "my" brand. If I had a customer who rented a 2010 car in pristine condition and brought it back to me filthy and stinking of cigarette smoke, I hit them with every "fee" I could contractually impose. If my customer brought my car back in the same condition or better than what I rented it to them, the next time they came for a holiday, I did my best to get them a lower rate (at a loss to the business) or discounts to keep them coming back. A repeat customer is better than one bad customer. It's just how business works. Some times as a consumer, we forget to recognize that.

While we are all unique in our own right, taking on the task of vaping (to either quit, cut back or just for enjoyment) makes us even more unique. A few years ago, there were only a few hundred (thousand in the US?) and they are considered the more knowledgeable part of the community. Many of those "veteran vapers" are looked up to as being encyclopaedia's of knowledge. Many of those veteran vapers give of themselves freely to multiple communities to help keep vapers vaping. They never ask for anything in return and they never abuse the fact that they have more information than the new guy. But then you get the occasional vaper who knows it all, doesn't have to ask questions because they've got the answer, their word is gospel. They take advantage of a "pseudo status" imposed upon them only by a small part of an ever growing Community. Sometimes, this "I've been around longer than you" attitude can be kind of intimidating. I am sure more than one vaper has been scared off from vaping or a forum or a community because they were made to feel inadequate. My advice to you, is never back down! You want to quit smoking, you want to cut back, THIS is the way to do it and for every JERK out there, there are 100 more people who will help you without complaint or using their "authority of the subject" to intimidate you. Never settle for less than the best and find the people who will help guide you when you get "lost".

Communities, of any sort, never just magically appeared. Each stone must be laid by someone. They have to be built and maintained in order to thrive and sustain. Whether it be a physical locale or some place, like what we have here on the Web. Without people, communities do not exist, they can not exist. The best thing about being part of such a revolutionary alternative to smoking, is we all LEARN along the way and we can all share that knowledge with each other.

I have learned that when it comes to knowledge, it is best to share it. It doesn't matter where it came from, who originally wrote it, how you found out about it, what matters is that you pass it on to someone else so that they can pass it around to other people. Without the ability to share knowledge, we all will fall upon ignorance to be our excuse.

That brings me into what I have learned about VAPING. Without the right people to guide me, I would have never made it 7 months. That's a short time compared to some, but for me, this is the longest I have ever been without a cig since beginning to smoke 21 years ago.

I learned, every juice is different. You can have 6 RY4's made by 6 manufacturer's and every single one will taste different. While we might on the quest to find the perfect all day vape, I myself have come to the conclusion, I don't care, as long as it doesnt make me gag, if I can vape it, I will happily over a ciggy any day.

Everyone wants to find the perfect set up and can only do so by investigating the hundreds of options out there. Penstyle? VV? Mods? No one can tell you what is the best or perfect, but only tell you what they found worked for them. It will be different for everyone as there is no "standard". For me, it is VV Mod's with Tank Systems and big batteries. For you? It could be a 510 penstyle with cartridges. You won't know til you try it.

Vaping is EXPENSIVE. When you start. I'm not going to lie to you, if you want to quit the cigs for this better alternative, you are going to have to fork out some dough the first few months. It might only be 50 or 60quid, it could be HUNDREDS, but you have got to be prepared to spend that money. The cost of vaping, WILL save you money, eventually. Once you can find the device that works for you, the only expense is going to be the replacement of expendable items like juice, cartos, a few spare back up batteries. I went from spending nearly 15£ a day, £450 a MONTH, to 20£ a month...30£ if I really need something.

Oh yes, that thing you bought yesterday, there will be a new version of it out tomorrow :)

At the end of the day what it all comes down to, is you. Do you want to do this? Do want to live longer, smell better, and protect the lives of those around you by stopping smoking and going to use something that can help you? I hope you say yes.

I want to thank EVERY single person who reads this, for even being here to read it. Your support, however big or small, makes an impact on the COMMUNITY we are trying to keep alive here on the web. Let's keep it positive, fun, and educational. And let's all help save a life or two in the process :D

Thanks guys and gals :)

Edited to add the following video.


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<embed flashvars="playerversion=12" src="http://embed.break.com/MjM1MTcwMQ==/ai/0/zi/0/ds/1/st/embed" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="464" height="300"></object>
The View From The ISS - Watch More Funny Videos
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What a great post.

But then again, I am a member of the official USMMUK fan club. :applouse:
What an eloquent and inspiring post! Great read first thing in the morning. :)

very inspiring cheered me up no end :)
See? I'm not all spit an vinegar now am I?

I am glad you enjoyed it :D
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