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What is a mod??


Jan 14, 2013
Hi can someone tell an old bird what a mod is in the ecig world, :thankssign:
That is a slightly contentious question as different people have different ideas (but hey that's vaping). To me a mod is something that has a removable battery. It originally came from the early days when some clever folks decided to you an old torch to make a vaping device, modding one item to be another. These days it has evolved to mean anything that is not a specific battery device. But as I said, that is just my take on it :)
I agree with @Purplefowler. It originally was short for modified. Saying that in the early days there was such a thing known as the 'tea bag' mod. Honest! We used to have these crappy little cartridges (not cartos) with stuff called fluval, a kind of wooly material, designed to hold the juice...but never did properly. Someone came up with replacing it with the material used for tea bags and it was called the tea bag 'mod'
Nowadays I reckon the 'something with a removable battery' is about right.
image.jpgimage.jpgWhat @Mark And @Purplefowler said and a few piccies :)


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Exactly. Removable battery device. Usually a mechanical mod, works as a standard ego but with a punch, or a vv/vw mod, same as #1 but with vv/vw. Usually shaped as a tube where the batts go in like in a flashlight, or a boxmod, where its built around a battery box as those found on rc cars, but only bigger in many cases
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