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What kind of electronic cigarette device do you want next?


Jan 9, 2015
There are so many kinds of electronic cigarette devices around the market
For Tanks:mouth to lung,direct to lung,bottom filling,top filling,Temperature control,RDA,RTA,RDTA....
For battery:ego mod,box mod,wattage/voltage adjustable,TC,one 18650 battery,two 18650 batteries,tree 18650 batteries,four 18650 batteries,mechanical mod....
More electronic cigarette devices means users have more choice,let's talk about what kind of electronic cigarette device do you want and you can not find around the market?
Any idea is welcoming
Imagine a unit plugged into an electrical socket able to deliver power wirelessly to your portable handheld device anywhere within your house.
Also, one that returns to an upright position, like a Weeble, when it gets knocked over.

I will accept all the monies thank you ;)
Whilst dual or triple or even quad battery mods are common now, I like my built in lipo set ups for when I'm on holiday or away from home for a couple of days, reason being all I need is a charging cable and a plug , no carrying a seperate charger and several batteries with me
So a 150 - 200 watt capable mod with a high mah lipo built-in( similar to the Sig J150 ) that would last all day vaping at 50-60 ish watts, a nice form that fits the hand well and not too big,got to be pocket friendly, and a coating that can take a few knocks, simple to use menu with an option to lock the chosen setting
A rewickable tank that has a permanent heating element under a removable conduction plate, where the wick sits the other side of the plate to the element.

So, you rewick the tank, and periodically remove the conduction plate to clean it.

No more gunked up coils.
I'd love to see a wide top airflow RTA with at least 5ml juice capacity (expandable glass I thinks) using a velocity style deck.
I got an ipower & triton mini today. The 5000mah battery appealed to me alot, I'm not sure what I'm after next but my smok alien has been sent away & I'll probably get a refund some time next week. As I'm not impressed with any of my smok mods I'm gonna spend my refund on something different, I think I want a pico next :)
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