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What mod should I get?


Jun 23, 2014
EDIT: I'm after a regulated mod, though I'm not completely closed off the mech mods.

Hi guys,

I've gotten into dripping but my MVP 2 just isn't cutting it except on flavours that are ok on low wattage. I need more wattage. However I am dubious about these 100W or even 50W mods. I'm no expert at this but I just don't think I need that much power. Got nothing against them though, if that's your thing, fair play.

Honestly, how much wattage do I need to suitably vape a dripper. I know there are different ways to set them up, twisted wire, parallel coil, etc. Should I be able to do most things with 20/30 watts? I'm not after enormous clouds, just respectable ones.


I'm looking for between Stratocumulus anywhere up to a decent sized Nimbostratus would be nice for vapour clouds. Yeah I know it depends on the dripper used also, but the focus here is the mod.

I nearly got swept away with the wattage chasing, 50/100 watt box mods available now. Then I thought watts the point if I'll hardly ever use such high wattage. I'd like to get away from box mods, simply coz I don't really like them, well not the big ones anyway. I got an MVP 2 for the long battery life and that it was USB charge only. The idea of externally charging batteries felt too complicated for me at the time, lol. I was too inexperienced to realise I could have gone with better options. I like small mods, tube style.

When I have my MVP 2 on charge, all I have is an ego battery for around the house, unless I wanna sit by the PC for 5 hours and vape the MVP 2 on passthrough. If I had a charging unit then I could use one device all the time and just replace the battery.

I'm looking around the £50 mark (or less), but I could go higher if it was perfect, eg, the Seven 22 Mod caught my eye, but it is pretty big.

Anyway I was just going to do a list of requirements, but instead I've rambled on a bit as usual. Guess it's needed though so you can see where I'm coming from, if that helps. All advice is appreciated.


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I was in the same situation a few weeks ago. I went for a mech mod, the Akuma Clone (small tube style) and am very happy with it and how it preforms. But... I am still going to get either a sigelei 100w box or an IPV 3 at 150w as i like the regulated side of my MVP. I don't really need all that power as i go upto between 30-50w trying out different coils on my mech. You don't have to use the full 100w but its there if ever you want to try a few different builds for the future or turn it right down for your tanks.

Liberty flights were doing the Sigelei for £41 delivered last week but was on a Halloween discount code!
If you like the look of the Seven22, but were put off by the size, have a look at this HCigar Gyro mod. It looks similar but is 18650:

GYRO mod by Hcigar
Hi guys,

I've gotten into dripping but my MVP 2 just isn't cutting it except on flavours that are ok on low wattage. I need more wattage. However I am dubious about these 100W or even 50W mods. I'm no expert at this but I just don't think I need that much power. Got nothing against them though, if that's your thing, fair play.

Honestly, how much wattage do I need to suitably vape a dripper. I know there are different ways to set them up, twisted wire, parallel coil, etc. Should I be able to do most things with 20/30 watts? I'm not after enormous clouds, just respectable ones.

View attachment 36814

I'm looking for between Stratocumulus anywhere up to a decent sized Nimbostratus would be nice for vapour clouds. Yeah I know it depends on the dripper used also, but the focus here is the mod.

I nearly got swept away with the wattage chasing, 50/100 watt box mods available now. Then I thought watts the point if I'll hardly ever use such high wattage. I'd like to get away from box mods, simply coz I don't really like them, well not the big ones anyway. I got an MVP 2 for the long battery life and that it was USB charge only. The idea of externally charging batteries felt too complicated for me at the time, lol. I was too inexperienced to realise I could have gone with better options. I like small mods, tube style.

When I have my MVP 2 on charge, all I have is an ego battery for around the house, unless I wanna sit by the PC for 5 hours and vape the MVP 2 on passthrough. If I had a charging unit then I could use one device all the time and just replace the battery.

I'm looking around the £50 mark (or less), but I could go higher if it was perfect, eg, the Seven 22 Mod caught my eye, but it is pretty big.

Anyway I was just going to do a list of requirements, but instead I've rambled on a bit as usual. Guess it's needed though so you can see where I'm coming from, if that helps. All advice is appreciated.



There is a genuine 4nine available in the classifieds for your price range. I would buy it if i didnt already own one ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
I was in the same situation a few weeks ago. I went for a mech mod, the Akuma Clone (small tube style) and am very happy with it and how it preforms. But... I am still going to get either a sigelei 100w box or an IPV 3 at 150w as i like the regulated side of my MVP. I don't really need all that power as i go upto between 30-50w trying out different coils on my mech. You don't have to use the full 100w but its there if ever you want to try a few different builds for the future or turn it right down for your tanks.

Liberty flights were doing the Sigelei for £41 delivered last week but was on a Halloween discount code!

100w is excessive.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
Hi guys,

I've gotten into dripping but my MVP 2 just isn't cutting it except on flavours that are ok on low wattage. I need more wattage. However I am dubious about these 100W or even 50W mods. I'm no expert at this but I just don't think I need that much power. Got nothing against them though, if that's your thing, fair play.

Honestly, how much wattage do I need to suitably vape a dripper. I know there are different ways to set them up, twisted wire, parallel coil, etc. Should I be able to do most things with 20/30 watts? I'm not after enormous clouds, just respectable ones.

View attachment 36814

I'm looking for between Stratocumulus anywhere up to a decent sized Nimbostratus would be nice for vapour clouds. Yeah I know it depends on the dripper used also, but the focus here is the mod.

I nearly got swept away with the wattage chasing, 50/100 watt box mods available now. Then I thought watts the point if I'll hardly ever use such high wattage. I'd like to get away from box mods, simply coz I don't really like them, well not the big ones anyway. I got an MVP 2 for the long battery life and that it was USB charge only. The idea of externally charging batteries felt too complicated for me at the time, lol. I was too inexperienced to realise I could have gone with better options. I like small mods, tube style.

When I have my MVP 2 on charge, all I have is an ego battery for around the house, unless I wanna sit by the PC for 5 hours and vape the MVP 2 on passthrough. If I had a charging unit then I could use one device all the time and just replace the battery.

I'm looking around the £50 mark (or less), but I could go higher if it was perfect, eg, the Seven 22 Mod caught my eye, but it is pretty big.

Anyway I was just going to do a list of requirements, but instead I've rambled on a bit as usual. Guess it's needed though so you can see where I'm coming from, if that helps. All advice is appreciated.



I think you could do a lot worse than the iLeaf iStick - its not as unwieldy as the larger box mods and is a decent upgrade from your MVP2 @20w. You will, of course, have a lower ohm limit on your builds (1.0 ohm, I believe) and its battery life is comparable to the MVP2 and has USB charging

IF, you were swayed by the box mod, then the Sigelei 100w is a decent, well made made box that will go up to the higher watts - but is also happy to chugs along at low watts - you just have the flexibility of a much wide range for pretty decent price

Now, the downside is that it does not have USB charging - but at low(ish) watts, the batteries last ages! Another downside (well for me anyway) is that it is on the large side and if you have small hands like me, it just doesn't 'feel' right or comfortable in the hand. This was irking me enough for me to actually sell my one! - so the hunt goes on for a smaller box mod :-)

...but, I would highly recommend it

Now one that sits between the iLeaf and sig100 is the DNA30 (original or clone) - the colone can be picked up for less than £40 these days and, in my opinion, brilliant - it goes up to 30W, has USB charging and sits comfortably in the hand!

I am sure there are many others - but just some food for thought!
ragged411 Yeah some of the mechs look really nice but I also like the regulated side of mods. The Sigelei has got bags of power, just the style isn't for me. I forgot Liberty Flights did some mods. I actually bought some things while they had that 30% offer on. Shame they don't do more mods.

Ment Wow, where'd you pluck that one from! Looks almost perfect. I can barely find any info on it or youtube reviews. It looks really nice. I found a discussion online about it and people were talking about the battery safety or something (tbh I wasn't sure what they meant), which makes a relative noob like me feel a bit wary. I guess I should have more confidence in myself, or maybe I'm just being sensible. Hmm...

OHMmyGOD Thanks for the suggestion but I'd prefer a regulated mod over a mechanical mod. I will edit the original post to state this. I agree that 100W seems excessive.

manic_asif Thanks for the suggestion. I did actually spot the ileaf istick a few days ago. Like you say, it is a nice upgrade from the MVP 2. I'm just thinking the 1ohm limit is too high, and the USB charging only is also limiting. Then again I wonder do I really need to go below 1ohm, and above 20 watts, yet for some reason I think I'll be bothered that I can't if I get one. My gf loves the look of it though so she might get one. They do kinda look 'cute'. If I ever get it off her I'll have a go too :D

As for the Sigelei, yeah I haven't got massive hands either. My MVP 2 is 'ok' to hold but I would prefer a smaller, less boxy mod. Hopefully the manufacturers are concentrating more on the construction of mods instead of just massive watts, which I'm sure is a fad that will pass soon enough. After all what do you care more about, that you can go to 100 watts once in a blue moon, or that the mod has adequate wattage and feels great to hold and use. Personally for me it's the latter. Thanks though for the review of it.

How big is the DNA compared to the MVP 2? I could maybe handle it being boxy, like istick, if it was small enough. The specs look great, 30 watts I'd be happy with. Of course a good amp limit as well. I've only found DNA clones around the £60 mark so far. I'll keep searching.

Thanks again everyone for the great feedback. It's really helping.

Does anyone own the gyro mod by hcigar? I would love to read an independent review or find a vid about it. I haven't got a lot to go on other than the specs listed.
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