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What the chemistry of contaminants in electronic cigarettes tells us

More info for the lazy :P

There was no evidence of potential for exposures of e-cigarette users to contaminants that are associated with risk to health at a level that would warrant attention if it were an involuntary workplace exposures. The vast majority of predicted exposures are < <1% of TLV. Predicted exposures to acrolein and formaldehyde are typically <5% TLV. Considering exposure to the aerosol as a mixture of contaminants did not indicate that exceeding half of TLV for mixtures was plausible. Only exposures to the declared major ingredients -- propylene glycol and glycerin -- warrant attention because of precautionary nature of TLVs for exposures to hydrocarbons with no established toxicity.

Current state of knowledge about chemistry of liquids and aerosols associated with electronic cigarettes indicates that there is no evidence that vaping produces inhalable exposures to contaminants of the aerosol that would warrant health concerns by the standards that are used to ensure safety of workplaces. However, the aerosol generated during vaping as a whole (contaminants plus declared ingredients) creates personal exposures that would justify surveillance of health among exposed persons in conjunction with investigation of means to keep any adverse health effects as low as reasonably achievable. Exposures of bystanders are likely to be orders of magnitude less, and thus pose no apparent concern.

:P I also gave it a new title and moved it to studies and press releases :)
just wish some of these things would be translated into plain english to make them easier to actually understand
just wish some of these things would be translated into plain english to make them easier to actually understand


There is nothing to worry about, but regular visits with your doctor to monitor your over all health would catch anything if there were anything to catch, before it got to bad. (that goes for anything!) Non Vape related too!

i never bother with the doctors. cos normally when im ill im to ill to drag myself up there or they cant see me for a week by which time ive recovered!

last thing i wanna do when down with the manflu ( or other manly related ailments :P ) is drag my arse outa my nice comfy kingsize bed to a place full of sick people.. i might catch something!!
I'm with Phantom Diablo, Dr's surgeries are always full of ill people and always offer appointments for long after I've recovered.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
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