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Yeah, right on, I think everything that is deemed unacceptable by Global corporations, as wrong for free thinking people, should be taken down, and we shouldn't be allowed to see it, just incase we decide to form an opinion for ourselves !!! I'm beginning to think i'm living in Saudi Arabia !!!

The Wirral and Saudi Arabia have more similarities than you may think, so theoretically you could’ve been transport from one to the other in your sleep and know absolutely nothing about it.
The Wirral and Saudi Arabia have more similarities than you may think, so theoretically you could’ve been transport from one to the other in your sleep and know absolutely nothing about it.
I suspect he might notice the cold though ............... :D
I suspect he might notice the cold though ............... :D
Unlikely to be honest. I don’t think @HAZZA1962 has left his front door in 10 months for fear of retribution, (all these photos he’s posting of ‘places he’s been’ are actually old pictures lightly dusted in and photoshop), so chances are he has been transported and he’s just not aware of it.
Unlikely to be honest. I don’t think @HAZZA1962 has left his front door in 10 months for fear of retribution, (all these photos he’s posting of ‘places he’s been’ are actually old pictures lightly dusted in and photoshop), so chances are he has been transported and he’s just not aware of it.
.......... and he's had his passport cancelled ............... :D
Seriously though, have we got to the point were we want to be totally controlled by the powers that be, ID cards, restrictriction of movement, these Pricks would love that, and the more you support them, the easier it will be to implement !!! If I have to choose between death, and this version of living at the moment, I choose death !!!
.......... and he's had his passport cancelled ............... :D

well yes, there is that.

You do realise that your already glum situation is going to get exponentially worse when you step out of your front door into 40 degree heat with jeans and a jumper with n, sans sun cream and realise that you’re not in Birkenhead any more and someone has robbed your passport you’re probably gonna be triggered don’t you @HAZZA1962 ?
Seriously though, have we got to the point were we want to be totally controlled by the powers that be, ID cards, restrictriction of movement, these Pricks would love that, and the more help you support them, the easier it will be to implement !!! If I have to choose between death, and this version of living at the moment, I choose death !!![/QUOTE
Seriously though, have we got to the point were we want to be totally controlled by the powers that be, ID cards, restrictriction of movement, these Pricks would love that, and the more you support them, the easier it will be to implement !!! If I have to choose between death, and this version of living at the moment, I choose death !!!

Watch trainspotting H. It’s uplifting.:5:
The Wirral and Saudi Arabia have more similarities than you may think, so theoretically you could’ve been transport from one to the other in your sleep and know absolutely nothing about it.
I thought you'd given up drink and drugs !!!
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