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What the NHS have to put up with

But you are furloughed on these recreations.

Unfortunately not, although working from my spare bedroom enables me to get up late enough to sleep off said that inebriations and get up at a late enough hour so that nobody actually notices, other than @HAZZA1962 who since his relocation to Saudi Birkenhead has become very attentive.
Yeah, right on, I think everything that is deemed unacceptable by Global corporations, as wrong for free thinking people, should be taken down, and we shouldn't be allowed to see it, just incase we decide to form an opinion for ourselves !!! I'm beginning to think i'm living in Saudi Arabia !!!
If you think yours or anyone else's freedom to think gives you or anyone else the right to barge in unmasked in to a secure covid ward and then start spouting bat shit crazy covid hoax conspiracy shite, whilst trying to remove a man who would die within hours of leaving, until forcibly removed and then broadcast it against the community guidelines of a private company's platform, have at it. The guy in the video was a cunt and I'm glad YT fucked his video off. Scum who think they've got the right to put other people's lives at risk for their right to think and broadcast bat shit crazy can fuck right off.

As far as I'm concerned. It goes without saying you're entitled to your views. :)
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If you think your freedom to think gives you or any other cunt the right to barge in unmasked in to a secure covid ward and then start spouting bat shit crazy covid hoax conspiracy shite whilst trying to remove a man who would die within hours of leaving until forcibly removed and then broadcast it against the community rules of private company's platform, have at it. The guy in the video was a cunt and I'm glad YT fucked his video off. Scum who think they've got the right to put other people's lives at risk for their right to think and broadcast bat shit crazy can fuck right off.

As far as I'm concerned. It goes without saying you're entitled to your views.
As I said in my initial post, I did try to watch the video, but unfortunately I wasn't deemed intelligent enough to form an opinion on it, so it was removed by the thought Police, and as I didn't watch it, I can neither condone or condemn the behaviour, if you think that's acceptable, then more fool you !!!
As I said in my initial post, I did try to watch the video, but unfortunately I wasn't deemed intelligent enough to form an opinion on it, so it was removed by the thought Police, and as I didn't watch it, I can neither condone or condemn the behaviour, if you think that's acceptable, then more fool you !!!
Congrats. You saved yourself from watching 20 minutes of a thundercunt acting bat shit crazy, telling a doctor to stop giving a man on 100% oxygen and a blood saturation in the 70% range steroids and antibiotics and to give him vitamin c and zinc instead. All because covid doesn't exist.
I watched it all - what I saw in that video, FWIW, was the utter prick that was recording it and seemed to be tagging along for the hell of it ......... and a husband and wife (one patient, wife masked) who had apparently been mishandled by the hospital, were terrified, and had little faith in the care or the staff. This may, or may not, have been justified ............. but I'm not sure the staff should be so automatically regarded as more important than their patients?
Congrats. You saved yourself from watching 20 minutes of a thundercunt acting bat shit crazy, telling a doctor to stop giving a man on 100% oxygen and a blood saturation in the 70% range steroids and antibiotics and to give him vitamin c and zinc instead. All because covid doesn't exist.
As I have stated several times now, I was not allowed to watch it, but I will bow to your superior knowledge, as your views are obviously more valid than mine, that's what's so wonderful about living in a Democracy such as ours, everyone's views count, as long as they're the same as the majority, and if not then they don't !!!
As I said in my initial post, I did try to watch the video, but unfortunately I wasn't deemed intelligent enough to form an opinion on it, so it was removed by the thought Police, and as I didn't watch it, I can neither condone or condemn the behaviour, if you think that's acceptable, then more fool you !!!

I watched it too H. To be honest you’d have stuck a right hook in the side of his head because the person(s) doing the filming were just disrespectful, and as we know each other like we do I know that irks you as much as it does me.

However youre totally correct. There’s an awful lot of people deeming it appropriate to be able to approve what other people can and can’t watch/research and that’s totalitarian and bordering on dictatorship.

In this instance though it was YouTube that removed it. But YouTube is shite nowadays anyhooo.
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