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What the NHS have to put up with

As I have stated several times now, I was not allowed to watch it, but I will bow to your superior knowledge, as your views are obviously more valid than mine, that's what's so wonderful about living in a Democracy such as ours, everyone's views count, as long as they're the same as the majority, and if not then they don't !!!
Since covid doesn't exist I guess that guy won't catch it now he's been running around a covid ward unmasked. And since covid doesn't exist he can't give it to anyone else bearing in mind he clearly refuses to wear a mask. What an absolute gem of a human being.

He's on private property. Legally I'm pretty sure he has zero right to film people there without permission. Why should he be allowed to broadcast it clearly against YT policies to draw further attention to his garbage conspiracy crap?
As I have stated several times now, I was not allowed to watch it, but I will bow to your superior knowledge, as your views are obviously more valid than mine, that's what's so wonderful about living in a Democracy such as ours, everyone's views count, as long as they're the same as the majority, and if not then they don't !!!
You clearly ignored my earlier statement...

"As far as I'm concerned. It goes without saying you're entitled to your views. :)".
I watched it too H. To be honest you’d have stuck a right hook in the side of his head because the person(s) doing the filming were just disrespectful, and as we know each other like we do I know that irks you as much as it does me.

However youre totally correct. There’s an awful lot of people deeming it appropriate to be able to approve what other people can and can’t watch/research and that’s totalitarian and bordering on dictatorship.

In this instance though it was YouTube that removed it. But YouTube is shite nowadays anyhooo.
You know me Chris, that's all I was saying, I don't condone anyone going into Hospital wards and kicking off, but I don't agree with the censorship that's become accepted by a lot of people on this Forum, and I think it's a slippery slope that there will be no going back from, once it's become the norm !!!
I watched it too H. To be honest you’d have stuck a right hook in the side of his head because the person(s) doing the filming were just disrespectful, and as we know each other like we do I know that irks you as much as it does me.

However youre totally correct. There’s an awful lot of people deeming it appropriate to be able to approve what other people can and can’t watch/research and that’s totalitarian and bordering on dictatorship.

In this instance though it was YouTube that removed it. But YouTube is shite nowadays anyhooo.
Agreed - and because I watched it I know the bloke was a cunt ......... right hook's too good for him, I'd have used a meat hook. :D

I also think the reason he was there was to give some support (being mouthy) to a very scared wife who had spent the day being fobbed off by the hospital ................ and then he just took over and the whole thing became a train wreck. :(
Since covid doesn't exist I guess that guy won't catch it now he's been running around a covid ward unmasked. And since covid doesn't exist he can't give it to anyone else bearing in mind he clearly refuses to wear a mask. What an absolute gem of a human being.

He's on private property. Legally I'm pretty sure he has zero right to film people there without permission. Why should he be allowed to broadcast it clearly against YT policies to draw further attention to his garbage conspiracy crap?

Mitzy, mate , you’re missing his point.

H isn’t saying anything about covid being a yay or nay, or the fact it’s on private property (I agree with you on that btw). What he’s saying is he’s pig sick of not being given the opportunity to form his own opinions because varying different degrees of media seem to be getting mothballed by various organisations and he thinks that’s wrong. And i wholeheartedly agree with him on that.

The person (s) were wrong to do wha they’d did, and like I said above I’d have nailed the cunt to a wall for doing it. However, this censorship that @HAZZA1962 is pissed about is a very real thing which is getting worse, and that in itself is a problem.
Since covid doesn't exist I guess that guy won't catch it now he's been running around a covid ward unmasked. And since covid doesn't exist he can't give it to anyone else bearing in mind he clearly refuses to wear a mask. What an absolute gem of a human being.

He's on private property. Legally I'm pretty sure he has zero right to film people there without permission. Why should he be allowed to broadcast it clearly against YT policies to draw further attention to his garbage conspiracy crap?
When have you ever heard me say that Covid doesn't exist ? Fucks sake mate, you need to read what I'm saying, my issue isn't with wether the virus is real or not, it's with the ease that censorship has been accepted by the general public that's frightening me !!!
Agreed - and because I watched it I know the bloke was a cunt ......... right hook's too good for him, I'd have used a meat hook. :D

I also think the reason he was there was to give some support (being mouthy) to a very scared wife who had spent the day being fobbed off by the hospital ................ and then he just took over and the whole thing became a train wreck. :(


My wife went into hospital for reasons unimportant in 2006 (we weren’t married at this point). She was unconscious at in the resuscitation room and the doctor was forcing the needle into her hand trying to find a vein so hard it was like he was hooking a meat carcass. She was crying and flinching even though she was unconscious.

Younger me flipped and my reaction and actions were poor, but the reason was justified because I was sticking up for someone that I cared about. Same with this video- his wife was getting sacked off and he saw red. His actions were abhorrent, the way he dealt with it was bordering criminal and he should be heavily reprimanded but the reason was understandable.

What Hazza means is it’s easy to draw the way to swallow narrative in the current climate, and again I agree with him. Not because he’s my mate, he is, but because I genuinely agree with him. Free thinking is being suppressed in favour of towing the socially acceptable line. That’s very dangerous. Some of the most broadly opinioned people I’ve ever known have now become media driven puppets, and that makes me sad.

He still needed a big right though. 100%

(The prick in the video- not Hazza).

All imo.
YouTube is a corporation whose purpose is to make money and pay as little tax as possible.
To regard it as a bastion of free speech is probably a mistake.
Free speech will be in their mission statement and ethical powerpoint presentations as and when it suits.
YouTube is a corporation whose purpose is to make money and pay as little tax as possible.
To regard it as a bastion of free speech is probably a mistake.
Free speech will be in their mission statement and ethical powerpoint presentations as and when it suits.

I don’t think any media speaks the truth anymore mate, honestly I don’t.

They’re all swayed in one direction or another by a motive or two.
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