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What the NHS have to put up with


My wife went into hospital for reasons to unimportant in 2006 (we weren’t married at this point). She was unconscious at n the resuscitation room and the doctor was forcing the needle into her hand trying to find a vein so hard it was like he was hooking a meat carcass.

Younger me flipped and my reaction and actions were poor, but the reason was justified because I was sticking up for someone that I cared about. Same with this video- his wife was getting sacked off and he saw red. His actions were abhorrent, the way he dealt with it was bordering criminal and he should be heavily reprimanded but the reason was understandable.

What Hazza means is it’s easy to draw the way to swallow narrative in the current climate, and again I agree with him. Not because he’s my mate, he is, but because I genuinely agree with him. Freethinking is being suppressed in favour of towing the socially acceptable line. That’s very dangerous. Some of the most broadly opinions people I’ve ever known have now become media driven puppets, and that makes me sad.

He still needed a big right though. 100%

(The prick in the video- not Hazza).

All imo.
Agreed. I believe in free specch. And I'll make my own mind up, thank you very much. :)

I also find it very sad that people are all so quick to judge at the moment. Hospitals have to deal with people who don't necessarily trust them all the time, for all sorts of reasons, some staff deal with that better than others. Don't see why Covid should be any different.

Too many fingers get pointed, with too little thought behind it. IMHO. :(
You know me Chris, that's all I was saying, I don't condone anyone going into Hospital wards and kicking off, but I don't agree with the censorship that's become accepted by a lot of people on this Forum, and I think it's a slippery slope that there will be no going back from, once it's become the norm !!!

Sorry, missed this ( I was on full flow and my thumbs ache. I was trying to make a coffee and suck on a dripper. I’ve just had a dry hit and spilled my drink - cheers mate [emoji23])

Agreed. The world is changing to something the world tried to avoid. Scary stuff.
Mitzy, mate , you’re missing his point.

H isn’t saying anything about covid being a yay or nay, or the fact it’s on private property (I agree with you on that btw). What he’s saying is he’s pig sick of not being given the opportunity to form his own opinions because varying different degrees of media seem to be getting mothballed by various organisations and he thinks that’s wrong. And i wholeheartedly agree with him on that.

The person (s) were wrong to do wha they’d did, and like I said above I’d have nailed the cunt to a wall for doing it. However, this censorship that @HAZZA1962 is pissed about is a very real thing which is getting worse, and that in itself is a problem.

I don't think I'm missing anything mate. Hazza is absolutely entitled to his views, I never said otherwise. In fact, I said EXACTLY that. You are also entitled to yours. Obviously, I don't need to tell you that. I am equally entitled to mine. I don't quite know why Hazza seems to feel someone expressing an opposing view to his is somehow intended to try and override his own view. People can hold differing views and people can express their opposing views. We don't all have to agree and we don't all have to keep quiet either. He can have his views, you can have yours, every other member can have theirs and I can have mine. And we can all express them. It's really not a big deal in my opinion. If Hazza thinks he should be allowed to watch the video then great. I'm not saying he shouldn't. But if I think the guy in that clip is a cunt who is not a sidekick in my view but the instigator, and he barges in to a secure ward on private property and starts filming without permission and YT wants to remove it then I have absolutely no problem with that at all. People don't just get to film wherever they like and upload it to where ever they like whilst sticking two fingers up to the rules because their rights trump everyone else's. . If someone barged in to your home when they shouldn't be there and started filming you without permission and uploaded it to YT then I also would have no problem with it being removed. The fact that the guy is bat shit crazy, spouting absolutely baseless and demonstrably false lies that are both damaging and dangerous doesn't help. People have rights, yes. It doesn't mean they can shit on everyone else's to exercise them.

But that's my view mate. I've never said they're correct or should be shared by anyone else. People can think whatever they like. But I'll say it like I see it. Always have, always will. If that upsets some people there ain't much I can do about that.
When have you ever heard me say that Covid doesn't exist ? Fucks sake mate, you need to read what I'm saying, my issue isn't with wether the virus is real or not, it's with the ease that censorship has been accepted by the general public that's frightening me !!!
I haven't and I haven't said otherwise. I know exactly what you said and what you're saying.

Pretty sure I've now answered this point in my reply to SirLugg. Feel free to tell me if I haven't answered it sufficiently or you disagree (which I know you do) and want to discuss it further.
I don't think I'm missing anything mate. Hazza is absolutely entitled to his views, I never said otherwise. In fact, I said EXACTLY that. You are also entitled to yours. Obviously, I don't need to tell you that. I am equally entitled to mine. I don't quite know why Hazza seems to feel someone expressing an opposing view to his is somehow intended to try and override his own view. People can hold differing views and people can express their opposing views. We don't all have to agree and we don't all have to keep quiet either. He can have his views, you can have yours, every other member can have theirs and I can have mine. And we can all express them. It's really not a big deal in my opinion. If Hazza thinks he should be allowed to watch the video then great. I'm not saying he shouldn't. But if I think the guy in that clip is a cunt who is not a sidekick in my view but the instigator, and he barges in to a secure ward on private property and starts filming without permission and YT wants to remove it then I have absolutely no problem with that at all. People don't just get to film wherever they like and upload it to where ever they like whilst sticking two fingers up to the rules because their rights trump everyone else's. . If someone barged in to your home when they shouldn't be there and started filming you without permission and uploaded it to YT then I also would have no problem with it being removed. The fact that the guy is bat shit crazy, spouting absolutely baseless and demonstrably false lies that are both damaging and dangerous doesn't help. People have rights, yes. It doesn't mean they can shit on everyone else's to exercise them.

But that's my view mate. I've never said they're correct or should be shared by anyone else. People can think whatever they like. But I'll say it like I see it. Always have, always will. If that upsets some people there ain't much I can do about that.

Fully agreed, again.

But that’s not the way you came across initially, and that’s what I was politely trying to say to you. The way you came across initially was that you had more of an issue with him carrying a disease in/out of the hospital, infecting others and the ramifications of that. What H said in his initial post, (take into account I know him very well so can read his posts as if I’m hearing him say it), was that he’s sick of feeling as if he’s having his ability to draw his own conclusions curtailed (I did say that up there too a couple of posts ago).

He’s really not trying to challenge anyone that has a different view than his. He’s not like that, anyone that knows him properly (not just on a fucking forum), will tell you that. He’s a very easy going guy. He’s challenging the fact that he feels people are losing the ability to form their own opinions.

Now I’ll write this down and make of it what you will but covid and everything surrounding it is provoking some strong reactions, and for good reason. I sit in the middle on most issues, and that’s not a cop out. I’m educated enough to convey an opinion and big enough to back it up, so it’s not trying to please everyone it’s just a case of I can see both sides - but a week,maybe two ago, I watched Hazza get systematically destroyed on a thread on here by people who I thought were fairly liberal in their thinking, and who frankly should know better. At this point Hazza wasn’t posting his posts dripping with quite so much sarcasm, but these people went out of their way to make him look a cunt, and he is not one of POTV’s cunts. Not at all. You possibly, me definitely- him? No.

So then in the last few days he’s been getting a label of being obtrusive and abrasive and almost mothballed on posts that he comments where the narrative is different to his. You and I have mentioned that this place is like an online haven to some in the past I think? Do you think it feels like that to him at the minute?

Moderate me, do what you will I’m of no opinion. I like you from what I know of you. But see through your own opinion to that of others - because on one hand you’re saying differing opinions are good and on the other you’re slamming people for doing things you don’t like- and that doesn’t compute.

And that’s me done for posting on this one.
(If I’ve made spelling mistakes you can all get fucked because I’m making coffee again)
Fully agreed, again.

But that’s not the way you came across initially, and that’s what I was politely trying to say to you. The way you came across initially was that you had more of an issue with him carrying a disease in/out of the hospital, infecting others and the ramifications of that. What H said in his initial post, (take into account I know him very well so can read his posts as if I’m hearing him say it), was that he’s sick of feeling as if he’s having his ability to draw his own conclusions curtailed (I did say that up there too a couple of posts ago).

He’s really not trying to challenge anyone that has a different view than his. He’s not like that, anyone that knows him properly (not just on a fucking forum), will tell you that. He’s a very easy going guy. He’s challenging the fact that he feels people are losing the ability to form their own opinions.

Now I’ll write this down and make of it what you will but covid and everything surrounding it is provoking some strong reactions, and for good reason. I sit in the middle on most issues, and that’s not a cop out. I’m educated enough to convey an opinion and big enough to back it up, so it’s not trying to please everyone it’s just a case of I can see both sides - but a week,maybe two ago, I watched Hazza get systematically destroyed on a thread on here by people who I thought were fairly liberal in their thinking, and who frankly should know better. At this point Hazza wasn’t posting his posts dripping with quite so much sarcasm, but these people went out of their way to make him look a cunt, and he is not one of POTV’s cunts. Not at all. You possibly, me definitely- him? No.

So then in the last few days he’s been getting a label of being obtrusive and abrasive and almost mothballed on posts that he comments where the narrative is different to his. You and I have mentioned that this place is like an online haven to some in the past I think? Do you think it feels like that to him at the minute?

Moderate me, do what you will I’m of no opinion. I like you from what I know of you. But see through your own opinion to that of others - because on one hand you’re saying differing opinions are good and on the other you’re slamming people for doing things you don’t like- and that doesn’t compute.

And that’s me done for posting on this one.
(If I’ve made spelling mistakes you can all get fucked because I’m making coffee again)

It's all good. We're only talking mate and talking is good for the soul as well as for resolving things so I hope you're not really done on this one just yet because I'm going to respond to your entire post but I need to sort the cat out quickly and make a drink.

I'd be grateful if you could just clarify this part of your post for me tho...

"because on one hand you’re saying differing opinions are good and on the other you’re slamming people for doing things you don’t like- and that doesn’t compute.".

Slamming who for what things I don't like? Just want to make sure I answer what you're actually referencing here and not something else entirely.

Muchas gracias, amigo. :)
It's all good. We're only talking mate and talking is good for the soul as well as for resolving things so I hope you're not really done on this one just yet because I'm going to respond to your entire post but I need to sort the cat out quickly and make a drink.

I'd be grateful if you could just clarify this part of your post for me tho...

"because on one hand you’re saying differing opinions are good and on the other you’re slamming people for doing things you don’t like- and that doesn’t compute.".

Slamming who for what things I don't like? Just want to make sure I answer what you're actually referencing here and not something else entirely.

No mate, I’m done, else you or I will end up offending one another and like I said, you strike me as a good guy so I’d rather not. Contrary to past behaviour upsetting people over the internet isn’t my bag. If/when having a beer becomes a thing we’ll do it then because when you write shit down it gets twisted.

And that’s me really done.

It was painful to watch from my point of view, but only because the video kepy freezing / buffering, so took ages to watch.

However, the family was a bit disruptive.
But it can't be ignored that the patient himself wanted to go home, but was told (quite severely) that he could not.

Now, if the guy wanted to go home he should have been allowed to.
Only at the start of last year I had a four day stay in hospital, problem started on day five.
One particular diabetic nurse refused to sign my discharge papers despite my consultant for the problem that put me in hospital saying she was happy for me to go home, and said she thought it would aid my recovery.
In the end I rang my OH to pick me up, and told them to bring the self discharge forms.
Even after my OH arrived, and I had signed the paperwork they used delay tactics, until I said "get this canular out of my arm, or it is going with me"

If the patient wanted to go home, and die in comfort then so be it.
I have always said to my OH, if my conditions get worse I want to die at home.................
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