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What's good for cleaning/polishing mods


Jul 9, 2013
looking for recommendations for cleaning/polishing mods mainly all stainless
As my grandad used to say:

Polish your buttons with Brasso -
It's only three ha'pennies a tin.
You can nick it or buy it from Woolworths,
But I doubt if they'll have any in.

NB: Do not take my grandad's advice - he was potty.
Using Autosol and elbow greese here, does a real nice job.
heard of the cape cod cloths and yet to try them out but as above i hear all good things with them.
Micro fibre cloth and cheap metal polish from Wilko's works a treat for me(red and cream tin)
I've no experience in polishing mods, so take it with a pinch of salt, but for stainless steel or silver jewellery you can't actually go far wrong with a cheap abrasive toothpaste rubbed on with a soft cloth.
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