Hey guys and gals what is the the best derringer clone out there, I see some with copper center posts and others with steel, can anyone guide me. Appreciate any help given.
Bought mine from FT and it`s spot on,has the copper post.I guess the only diference between a good clone and a crap one would be a loose fitting.Easily sorted with the various "O" rings you can easily get hold of.
mines from FT too. brass centre post and the tiny thing is amazing. the only thing i would strongly suggest is to get a long delrin (non metallic) drip tip cos the thing gets very hot. the drip tip supplied with mine is far too short. great little RDA though.
thanks guys I ended up getting a great clone from fatvapes on eBay which has the brass center post and to say I am in love with it is an understatement. Literally can't get over the flavour from this little thing!