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What's wrong with me?


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
Hi People,
I am sorry I have been quieter than usual of late, been going through a bit of a hiatus here, internet problems and not feeling too wonderful all took its toll. Anyway, feeling a bit brighter again and wondered what you'd have to say about a couple of problems that have been besetting me of late? First one and in some ways by far the more important, Cartomisers! As some of you might recall, I have finally taken delivery of my Jazz Carto 18350 Pipe, I am using it with cartos as I find the overall look far more pleasing than having a tank on it. However, I have been struggling somewhat with the whole carto thing. Believe it or not, filling them has proved no problem and I have been getting good results, but...... When it comes to refilling, that is where my problems lie. I have done all the usual things, i.e. flooded them, burnt one out by not filling it enough, all the newbie stuff. So this where I am currently at.
I can fill a new carto with no problems and get a very satisfying and flavourful vape. Once the flavour starts to fall away, I am then topping the carto up. THIS, is where things are going wrong. When refilling, I use the dripping method, i.e. one drip at a time, plenty of time in between and rotating the carto whilst topping up. Sometimes, after only a couple of drips, liquid pours out of the bottom, so one suspects that the carto was still fairly full, but the flavour had died on me? I know that we each approach these things differently, I try not to draw too heavily on the carto when vaping as I don't want to overheat the whole thing so I am wondering whether I am expecting too much in the way of
life expectancy from a Carto? When I purchased the pipe I was given a handful of Cartos etc and I have gone through 5 in about 2 weeks and have definitely burnt 2 out as the taste was completely indescribable, but those of you who have done this know just what I mean I suspect?

So, I have no idea what Ohmage they were, I do know they were not dual coil. Which brand do you all favour? These are the XXL length Cartos.

Problem 2. Do you sometimes lose all taste sensation? Happened the other night and nothing was really tasting of anything much. Vapour galore, not much taste. This was using a vivi nova with new coil and a spinner. Next day, flavour was back, so I assume my system just had enough for a day? Does this happen with any of you?

Best Regards
Hi, can't help with the cartos but can confirm that vapers tongue is quite common. I find that eating strong flavours, cleaning my teeth, what I'm drinking etc can change the way vape tastes. Lots of people recommend vaping a mint or menthol flavour to revive the taste buds as it were.
I agree with Blossom with the minty or menthol for when you lose taste

As for Carto's sorry cant help you there I tried them for a week and was having same issue's so went to nova's
or if you dont fancy splashing out on a menthol juice, a packet of airwaves gum works ;)
I have some Cherry Menthol juice which seemed to be the only thing I could taste on that particular evening :thumbup:. Strange how it goes though, no problems for days on end as far as taste went and then just hit the wall that night.
i had that with bottle of ry4.. just tasted of ... well nothng really.. just an unpleasant aftertaste if anything.
found the redbull i have brings things back to life for me quite a bit . havent tried the menthol trick as its not a flavour a like very much but i guess any good strong fruit or mint would help.
oddly i have several ce5's, a puritank and a vivi nova, and its always the vivi nova that loses flavour first when on my kamry ( think its partly down to air flow as the vivi has no cut outs and the puritank does ) .as for the cartos issue. never used them only clearo's so cant help on that one
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