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Where to buy nicotine base?


Jan 2, 2013
ok i am on the look out for some good nicotine base soon wheres the best place and price atm?
Depends on how much you want to use.
I bought 100ml of 54mg base from ltecigs for £14 +P&p http://www.ltecigs.larsentilbrook.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=61_84&product_id=488
or if you want to get a litre, better off getting some 72mg from the US
edit, here is link for the US site http://www.nicvape.com/store/c/20-Unflavored-Nicotine-Liquid.aspx
max strength allowed into UK is 75mg,

thanks for the reply ive bought nic from ltecigs before looking like i will be going bk haha
thanks for the reply ive bought nic from ltecigs before looking like i will be going bk haha

seems to be the cheapest, i did have a good look around before ordering mine, dont forget to add discount code LT10 for 10% off
I always use ltecigs great customer service from Sharon and Flemming always top notch :)
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