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Where to buy?


Oct 18, 2013
There’s the market place here, which is great for a couple of things but if your using multiple suppliers the carriage costs quickly add up.
There also seems to be a plethora of online sellers with vastly varying prices and ranges.

Question is, where is your favourite one stop shop for basic stuff?? (clearomisers, juice, maybe some less advanced mods and shiny things?
LT Ecigs,Charlie's vape shop,Safercigs,all good companies that offer good service,I've had stuff from all 3 and have never been disappointed.
The Marketplace, StealthVape (Im trying to think of who I bought from most recent) 28Vapes and MrKraken... most of the time I use the MP for Stealth and 28Vapes, it gives me the chance to use various vendors and no I am seriously not trying to plug the MP. I used VaperCaper and SmokeTek UK for the first time and I probably wouldnt have, had it been through their own sites (no offense guys!) I have placed orders with up to 4 or 5 vendors and shipping wasn't very different than through their sites individually, maybe a few pence here or so.

SaferCigs is another great vendor and leisure liquids too. Sorry if I leave anyone out, I dont buy very often and when I do, my circle of "trusted vendors" is very small and does not expand unnecessarily :)
Myepack are cheap and reliable. I also like ecigwizard and cloud9. Good experiences so far with these three
VaperCaper vaping vision vaping things ukecigcabin are some more, most of which start with v. O:-)
i like http://www.thebestshop.eu/shop/
based in ireland delivery can take a day or 2 longer but they have a great range of products and keep you updated on shipping etc along the way, also great prices and the shipping cost is as low as anything in UK ( other than free shipping of course! )
+1 for stealthvape, Charlies and myepack. Have used hitectrading as well, they where good.
Plenty of them then, Thanks guys and girls, Im in the market for some juice and maybe an evod in place of my CE4's
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