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Which one: KFL+ or Russian 91%


Oct 15, 2013
Should I wait for the KFL+ or just get the Russian 91%?

This will be my first rebuildable and don't know which one to get. It will be one of these two though.

From what I've read the KFL+ is basically just a copy of the Russian.

So I'm just after your opinions on which one is best really.
The Russian is a copy of the KFL and the KFL+ is the upgraded version of the KFL.

As the KFL and KFL+ are the same price, the KFL+ is the better option although personally I'd get neither - I'd get the KF 3.1 but of course it all depends on funds.
I'm not 100% but I think its the Russian thats the copy. Or the kayfun lite came first then the Russian came with improvements then the kayfun copied with the KFL+
The Russian is a copy of the KFL and the KFL+ is the upgraded version of the KFL.

As the KFL and KFL+ are the same price, the KFL+ is the better option although personally I'd get neither - I'd get the KF 3.1 but of course it all depends on funds.

Yeah I looked at the 3.1 but at almost double the price I think that is out of my price range.

I'm not 100% but I think its the Russian is the copy. Or the kayfun came first then the Russian came with improvements then the kayfun copied with the KFL+

Thats what I have read. The KFL+ is a copy of the Russian, which is a copy of the KFL.

I just didn't know which one (KFL+ or Russian) is worth getting as I think that they are about the same price.
From what I read, the creator of the Russian was one of the original creators of the kayfun but because of a difference of options with regards to the design went their own ways.
I have been using the KFL lite everyday for months this is still the best vape in my box. If you can get it cheaper because the KFL + has arrived buy one for me this is a great vape. Its simple requires no faffing and will work with the crapiest of wire and wick efforts. For me air control is not required its something else to play with taking me away from enjoying my vaping. If I have learnt anything over the last eight months its keep it simple ( KISS), I have spent hundreds on shiny's and now I am just down to 4 mods that are simple easy to use and work out of the box, a Nutz mod with KFL Lite, Provari with ebaron dripper a MVP with a dark mule dripper in OID mode and a Lukkos Puzzle box all simple non require faffing and work every time I grab them. I only buy wire and wick a few 510 atomizers and juice my hobby is now cheap (at last ). I have boxes of Evods Davids Protanks that are now gathering dust and most of the other gear has been passed on to others in need.

My point is there is always something else out there to buy try to sit back and enjoy your vaping buy the best you can afford and enjoy it :).
Can you get the little O ring seperately somewhere? The one they have now put on the filling screw on the KFL+. If you can and there is a big reduction in price for the KFL I might as well get that.
I had the 3.1, got rid of, got the lite, kept, leakage, minimal, involving wiping the base of my kayfun once every couple of days, draw suits me fine, simple.
But, Russian 91% or Kayfun Lite, or Kayfun Lite Plus? Guess the only issue really is price and air control, and maybe leaks for some....I don't see what the design differences were that led to the guy making the Russian, as they are pretty much identical? Mentalist.
Can you get the little O ring seperately somewhere? The one they have now put on the filling screw on the KFL+. If you can and there is a big reduction in price for the KFL I might as well get that.

From what I can tell from the pics ... its not just a case of they have whacked an oring on .. the hole that the screw sits in shape has been changed to be a cylinder .. rather than a wedge ... this would make sense when using an oring for sealing.
Im currently waiting for the KFL+ to come in stock .. Im defo gonna give it a go .. the standard KFL is awesome and the draw is about perfect

as an aside .. to fix the possible leak issues on a KFL, just apply a small amount of ptfe tape to the screw .. never had a problem since
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