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Which starter kit?


Apr 18, 2015
Hi mate,

I got one last week from the vaper shack (vaper with an 'e') and for the price it's good.
Haven't got time to look at your links but I'm happy with the one I got. Three free flavours too

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Im about to press the button on 1 of 2 starter kits..

1st is this one - http://www.thealchemistscupboard.co.uk/DIY_Mixing_Starter_Kit_Gold/p1708884_9576441.aspx

2nd is this one -
Connoisseur Mixing Set - Decadent Vapours

The Alch one is cheaper, has better mg nic, but less flavours..

Any others I could look at or do you recomend any of the above? I more thinking of flavour more than anything, better flavours are obviously the reason to chose one over the other.

Thanks :)

If you want to try a few different flavours have a look at these I find them pretty decent flavours and it's a good cheap way to start.

If you would rather go for one of your options then I have to say I have never had a bad flavour from the Alchemists Cupboard
korgscrew I got mine from UK Flavours. Very good kit tbh. Haven't really used many of the flavours I got from them, but if you do a bit of research first and work out what flavours you will need for some nice recipes then it will probably work out OK. That was my only mistake, just randomly selected flavours I thought I would like.
I like banana at the minute. Best I've ever had is banana cream from pocono Vapes in the US. Also goldenrod is really nice too.

I'll have a look at these.
korgscrew I got mine from UK Flavours. Very good kit tbh. Haven't really used many of the flavours I got from them, but if you do a bit of research first and work out what flavours you will need for some nice recipes then it will probably work out OK. That was my only mistake, just randomly selected flavours I thought I would like.

I'm with you on this 100%, I was the same. I went with their VG DIY kit and it was perfect for getting started. Apart from maybe needing a smaller syringe.

The flavours.. meh the only one I tried (but loved) was raspberry.

It seems to be good value for money and they package it all up well, quick delivery too.

Flavour-wise, you're going to end up getting flavours from different vendors anyway. So you might as well do that from the start or atleast pick simple things (ie, a concentrate you know you can vape without adding another concentrate) that you know you'll like without getting too complicated.

Keep it simple to start with. Then get more adventurous once you get a handle on the percentages.
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