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Which style RDA is most flavoursome for fruit flavor vapes?


Sep 24, 2013
By choice I'm a MTL Vaper. 0.9-1.4 oHm and 12-18watts, I use kanthal A1 round wire and have recently begun to experiment with Kanthal Flat wire.
The most flavoursome Dripper, for the way I vape, is a Hellfire for Lemon/Citrus/ or my current ADV which is Blackcurrent.
I'm looking for advice on quality Squonk Drippers for these juices. I'm not looking for "the latest, greatest new thing" I'm hoping for feedback from long time users of Squonk RDA's who also Vape fruity flavors.

Should I look at more recent Hellfire stuff??
I don't mind spending a few quid on pre-used original stuff, I'm just trying to enhance my current vape choices as I'm coming up to my 5 year vapeaversary and my Mrs. says I should treat myself.
Come on guys and girls, whats out there for a fruity Vaper??
Hi there are a lot of good RDA,S out there that give good flavor the one i like most is the Digiflavor Drop i like it in both single coil and duel and works for me with all flavors the other i like is the 22mm Wotfo nudge this is a single coil RDA only but i find gives me the best flavour for a single coil RDA........
Cheers @BULLDOG1964 for your reply, I'm looking for specific RDA's that enhance fruit flavours particularly at the minute. I have quite a few "Flavour atties" but I'm looking for one, that for whatever reason, makes fruits "pop!"
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