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Who are the brand leaders in the European market?


New Member
Jan 27, 2014
Hi everyone,

Not sure if this is the right place to be posting this.... anyway, I'm trying to do some research on the Ecig market in Western Europe for my degree.

I've got a fairly good grasp of who the 'big' UK brands are (Niclolites, E-lites etc etc) but am struggling to find out who the big brands are in the other main European markets such as France, German, Spain and Italy etc.

I've seen Nhoss, YES, Clopinette in France and Snoke in Germany, but cant really get a grasp for who the brand leaders are in those markets. It looks like e-liquids are much more popular in mainland Europe than they are in the UK?

Any help on the above would be very much appreciated - even if it's just pointing me in the right direction!

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