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Why hello


Jul 29, 2013
Hello POTV, thought i would take up the invitation ;)

some ppl may already know me others may not.

my name is ApO and im a vape addict :)
been vaping since august 2008, member 396 on ecf and inventor of the multi connector adaptor.
I like free and open discussion of all vape related topics and hope to participate in many :)

have tried a fair amount of gear in my time as you can imagine, high end stuff, bottom end stuff and home-made stuff.
currently quite happy using my siegeli zmax and the A7 SS pheonix RBA's.

ohh, you have boobies Boobs!

i like it here already.
Hello POTV, thought i would take up the invitation ;)

some ppl may already know me others may not.

my name is ApO and im a vape addict :)
been vaping since august 2008, member 396 on ecf and inventor of the multi connector adaptor.
I like free and open discussion of all vape related topics and hope to participate in many :)

have tried a fair amount of gear in my time as you can imagine, high end stuff, bottom end stuff and home-made stuff.
currently quite happy using my siegeli zmax and the A7 SS pheonix RBA's.

ohh, you have boobies Boobs!

i like it here already.

hi and welcome, seasoned vapers experiences are always valued (as are new vapers!) glad to have you aboard
Greetings :)

Did the clone wars got a bit much mate? ;)

Welcome aboard :D

im not even gonna ask! I rarely read other forums... If only because I find it hard enough to keep up with this one! I assume there has been some fun somewhere?
im not even gonna ask! I rarely read other forums... I'd only because I find it hard enough to keep up with this one! I assume there has been some fun somewhere?

Fun ELSEWHERE? Pahlease ZT you know this place has alll da fun!
Heh, that old chestnut eh?

Now where did I put me sig20dingoprovarichobradream?
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