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WtB - 16mm RBA


Mar 11, 2017
looking for a 16mm RBA, to fit in my tesla stealth mini if anyone has an unused one anywhere the ones I know of are the spheroid? And kayfun mini!
Thanks in advance :)
looking for a 16mm RBA, to fit in my tesla stealth mini if anyone has an unused one anywhere the ones I know of are the spheroid? And kayfun mini!
Thanks in advance :)
Can be done well for very cheap. Lots of places selling kanger aerotanks for a couple of quid (see bargain section) add a nature vape rewickable coil and you are in mtl heaven.
looking for a 16mm RBA, to fit in my tesla stealth mini if anyone has an unused one anywhere the ones I know of are the spheroid? And kayfun mini!
Thanks in advance :)
I have an Origen Tiny Tank (ShenRay) - 16mm - remarkable vape, but too small for me...
Can be done well for very cheap. Lots of places selling kanger aerotanks for a couple of quid (see bargain section) add a nature vape rewickable coil and you are in mtl heaven.

I wasn't aware the nature vape coils fitted in the aero tanks I might have to have a gander :)
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