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X1 COIL OR X2 ???

Dec 1, 2020
Hi, im pretty new to the vaping world, i got FreeMax Twister as my first vape cause its flashy, I want to order new coils whats better X1 or X2, I want to make as much clouds as possible, does the coil affect the amount of cloud I make, and does one last longer than the other, is one better quality than other? ( I smoke at around 40-50 W if thats important)
Hi, and welcome! :)

First of all: you vape. you dont smoke anymore. ;)
You vape at 40-50w. :D

I guess the Twister you are talking about is the 80w version, with the Fireluke 2 tank on top. Great thingie.
From Freemax, you can use the while families of coils, from older to newer:

1) "X" Family:
90% Flax Cotton & 10% Cotton Formula



2) "TX" Family:
  • Patented 90% Tea Fiber cotton & 10% cotton formula
  • Diamond Pattern Mesh Coil Structure



3) "SS904 X" Family:
  • 904L X1/X2/X3/X4 Mesh Coil

As you can see, there a three generations of improvement. The blue ones are the newest and presumably the better.

Twister mod is limited to 80w. If you are looking for cluds, you must stick to single and triple mesh versions. Have in mind that those are a bit more thirsty than the dual mesh that comes with the kit.

My advice: buy one of each (singles and triples) and test them. You´ll love the triples!
Try to get them sold by units, no by packs ò five. Once you find the one you like, sitck to it.

Finally, avoid the 0.50ohm versions and the SS316 versions, because the 0.50´s are just the oposite to cloud chuckers and the SSL versions are for temperature control.
Hi, and welcome! :)

First of all: you vape. you dont smoke anymore. ;)
You vape at 40-50w. :D

I guess the Twister you are talking about is the 80w version, with the Fireluke 2 tank on top. Great thingie.
From Freemax, you can use the while families of coils, from older to newer:

1) "X" Family:
90% Flax Cotton & 10% Cotton Formula



2) "TX" Family:
  • Patented 90% Tea Fiber cotton & 10% cotton formula
  • Diamond Pattern Mesh Coil Structure



3) "SS904 X" Family:
  • 904L X1/X2/X3/X4 Mesh Coil

As you can see, there a three generations of improvement. The blue ones are the newest and presumably the better.

Twister mod is limited to 80w. If you are looking for cluds, you must stick to single and triple mesh versions. Have in mind that those are a bit more thirsty than the dual mesh that comes with the kit.

My advice: buy one of each (singles and triples) and test them. You´ll love the triples!
Try to get them sold by units, no by packs ò five. Once you find the one you like, sitck to it.

Finally, avoid the 0.50ohm versions and the SS316 versions, because the 0.50´s are just the oposite to cloud chuckers and the SSL versions are for temperature control.
Thank you very much :D, Thank you for putting the time and effort into showing me :=), ill buy x1"s and x"3s and try them out, in my country we can buy packs of 2 so ty once again
Hi, im pretty new to the vaping world, i got FreeMax Twister as my first vape cause its flashy, I want to order new coils whats better X1 or X2, I want to make as much clouds as possible, does the coil affect the amount of cloud I make, and does one last longer than the other, is one better quality than other? ( I smoke at around 40-50 W if thats important)
Jesus fkn Christ.
As said you wont know till you try them. were all different. Good coils though.
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