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Xmas Closing, Birthday Treats!, Deckchair Returns, Black Friday Deals Continue


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Staff member
Jul 18, 2012
Manabush Eliquid - Tobacco E-liquid and Vape Juice
Hi All - we hope you are getting into the swing of things and finding yourself lots of Lovely Black Friday Deals!y Black Friday deals
Christmas Closing :
This year we will close for Christmas a little earlier than normal due to how it falls - and remain closed until after New Year. So make sure you have stocked up before we close down!
Our Closing times are: Monday 23rd December through to Friday the 3rd To be more clear - The last post will be on Friday the 20th and the next post to be sent will be on Friday the 3rd of January.
Also In this email : Birthday Treats, SVC - Deckchair, Cheap Sweet Blonde!, More on Black Friday Deals, Shipping and Royal Mail - Read On for more!​
Birthday Treats! :
New website feature! Tell us when your birthday is - and you will be sent a generous Discount code on your birthday :)
This signup will be on the thank you page after you have made a purchase - or: sign up now before you forget using this link: Sign me up! I want Prezzies on My Birthday!
South Coast Vapes - Deckchair Returns! :
After somewhat of a drought - we have managed to score some of the needed concentrates to bring back this popular liquid - If you have been missing it - you can find it here​
Does anyone want any Sweet Blonde 12mg Shorties ? Going Cheap Gov?
Due to an … errr …. clerical error my a staff member that shall remain nameless *cough* - we have made far FAR too much 12mg Sweet Blonde Shortfill - so .. Price is knocked down by 40% we have reduced the levels back to normal! Have At It! £7.79 with all Nic Shots Needed!​
Black Friday Deals Continue:
While today marks the End of The Special Pre-orders Black Friday DEal we were running - Our standard Black Friday Deal continues - Using MANABF will net you 27% off everything store wide - if you notice any issues with the code working on some items - please let us know so we can fix it!​
27% off one-time purchase products
Use code: MANABF at checkout, or click the link below to automatically apply the discount to your order.​
Offer valid Nov 19, 2024 - Nov 30, 2024​
Note on Shipping Royal Mail and Couriers :
The Silly season has started - we have had more complaints about mail in the last week than the rest of the year! Expect delays, Expect Royal Mail to act like Black Friday and Xmas are a surprise and don’t happen every year so they can gear up in time, expect them to blame the weather! Our advice is : Use a courier if you can - at least that way we can see when stuff goes wrong! You can use Royal Mail, but note - we are already noticing the yearly meltdown.
Thats All for now folks! Im sure you will hear from us again before Christmas
Have. good Un!
The Manabush Team.​
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