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Yet Another New Member


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Dec 29, 2013
Afternoon everyone I thought I would sign up as this seems like the right place to find out all the info for my Vaping needs!

I have been using m ecig for about 3 months now
started with a VIP basic kit which was good but the cartomisers weren't lasting too long.
I then moved onto the Jacvapour V1P PCC Starter kit
which was ok but i have struggled refilling the cartomisers as in when i've refilled one i don't get any of the liquid flavor, just a burned taste.

yesterday I took delivery of Basic Starter V3i Tank Kit from Jacvapour which seems ok but i still dont seem to be getting the flavour from the eliquid, which is jacvapour PG cherry 18mg.
anyway enough rambling from me.
hi martin

sounds like your not getting the juice into the carto right due to the burning...and i do remember the jv cherry being really nice as its the same kit i started with :)

have a search on you tube for 'condom method' for filling cartos...some like me swear by it and some dont like it but if you find pete busardos video on this it is really simple and for me by far the best way to fill a carto :)

feel free to fire away anymore questions :)
hi martin

sounds like your not getting the juice into the carto right due to the burning...and i do remember the jv cherry being really nice as its the same kit i started with :)

have a search on you tube for 'condom method' for filling cartos...some like me swear by it and some dont like it but if you find pete busardos video on this it is really simple and for me by far the best way to fill a carto :)

feel free to fire away anymore questions :)

wow thank you for the replies, this is starting to look like one of the best forums I've been on so far !!
many thanks for the video, I'll watch and try out this method now.
thank you
Welcome Martin, you are in the right place , all of us on here are here to help if we can in anyway, and to pass on any advice which my help you along the way
Anyway welcome
oh and done let it worry you that it says boge 510....all cartos use the same principle....problem you have is that you can only use jacvpours carts as they are k808 thread as opposed to 510...your next upgrade is the crutial one and needs to use a 510 threading as that is more or less the industry standard ...the 808 is to keep you using jacvapour ;)
i managed to refill a cart while watching the video, works Fantastically well !!
Thank you!.

i didnt realise there were different threads for the carts, maybe i should invest in something different so i can mix and match (although i do now have 5 carts, 3 V3i mini tanks and 4 65mm batteries)
one more question are the cartomisers rebuild able or is it a case of throw them away after a certain time?

again HUGE thanks to all who have replied/ helped I'm genuinely amazed by how much I've learned to day and by how helpful everyone is, also Credit to who ever created this site, please could you take over many more Forums and show them how it 'should' be done !!
:welcome1: to POTV

Most carto's are disposable, keep filling them until they don't work anymore ;)

OH uses them, some last a few days and some have lasted 10 days or more... you take your chances :)
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