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Yet another newbie...


May 16, 2014
Hello Everyone,

Cheers for taking time to read this.

So I've given up the cigs and this time it's for good. Not had a one since sometime in February. Don't want one either. I've been totally converted to vaping now.

So I was using one of those cigarette looking ones on and off all of last year but switched to full time vaping once I bought my first eGo-t starter kit. To begin with I thought it was brilliant, but now I realise there are far more superior stuff out there. So I'm looking to get something better but what? and from where? I'm fed up with buying rubbish and fakes from amazon and ebay. I've spent a bit of time looking at this forum but still can't work out what is best for me. I'm hoping that if I take part here, I'll start to understand things a bit better and maybe even get pointed in the right direction.

Some of you guys are really dedicated to the cause. I've seen some cool looking mods people have made themselves.

A quick question for you all, does it feel like your doing something wrong when your vaping on a busy train or in a shop or anywhere else that you can't smoke?

It feels really wrong to me, but it also feels really good!
Aloha man, in regards to the upgrades it all depends on what you want to get out of your gear, i think something like a VV mod would be a good start (MVP 2 or Vamo v5 are really popular), personally I have a vape on for Mech Mods (Nemesis seems to be the most popular) and have several myself and you can get a 'kick' (variable voltage / wattage mod) to go with it for that extra tweaking for preference. Tank wise if you want to easy step up i'd recommend the kanger aerotank (but also hear the nautilus is good) which (in my opinion) helps the flavour but I also have a kayfun lite which im testing out my coiling skills and that can be a great starter for RBAs (re-buildable atomisers). Then you have (what i consider to be high maintenance) RDAs (re-buildable dripping atomisers) which you have to rewick and keep liquid on you when you want to use it, but again i have 2 of those (on their way anyway). So it's all down you what you want to get out opf your setup, I'm sure everyone has a different opinion and we can only advise based on our experiences.

Re: public vaping
I personally wouldnt vape on public transport cause my setup can throw out decent clouds which could upset people and hurt vaping in general but there are quite a few places (usually pubs) which have no issue vaping as long as you arent going to cause issues. The best thing you can do is ask, its showing that you are being considerate enough to understand that other people may not be comfortable with the vapor but if you get the go ahead from staff then you have done your bit and it cant come back on you in a bad light.
E.g. A local shopping centre is fine with me in the corridors vaping but said they would prefer if i didnt do it in the actual shops. So even though i am technically allowed (legal side etc), I respect their wishes and so far no problems
Welcome, welcome, welcome!

I agree with a lot of what the esteemed poster above says. This may be because of alcohol making this seem an easier way to reply!

My first proper mod was/is my beloved Stainless Steel Vamo v2, still going strong a year later its been magnificently indestructible and coupled with a Kanger Protank/2, Aerotank is bullet proof vaping. A wise back up would have to be an itaste vv/vw v3. though it's a small battery it is a brilliant stand by. Currently myepack.co.uk seems to be the place to get them. Conveniently they also do the kanger pro/aerotanks as well.

Happy vaping noob!
Welcome matthe , started around the same time as you, vaping great ain't it!. Re public vaping I also agree with Azrael_Fallen, I think we need to try and create the best image we can to help our cause. Be a considerate vaper with Joe public etc etc IMO.

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hi welcome to the planet
i was commuting to london and vaping on the train no probs
if i'am some where very crowded i no not vape as people can't walk away from my vaper if they won't
Thanks a lot guys, I think you all have good points with the vaping in public thing. And thanks for the advice on my first step into mods (hope I haven't used that term incorrectly, I'm still getting to grips with the lingo).
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