hi there am looking for a new MTL vape and have seen the aspire zelos a couple of times. Anyone got any experience using this one so I can get some reviews
I had one which I only used for Sub Ohm vaping, but I found that the airflow was quite restrictive on the Nautilus tank, so I reckon it would be good for MTL. The battery life on the Mod was very good though.
This was and still is, my very first purchase...with the N2 tank included. I still use it, it's great little mod, compact...easy to use, a fair decent battery life in between recharges, if you MTL, solidly built...it's a nice one to have. Not much of looker...but it does what it says on the box!
Defo ditto what the others mention re the updated N2 tank though, the original 2's bell cap is a right pig to undo! I gather the N2S is a lot easier to live with.
If you get that tank...and you decide to use to 1.8 BVC coils in the N2, make sure you prime those coils well....they can be a wee bit fickle sometimes..but the 0.7 coils are fine....i've found that they last ages.