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Review Cthulhu - Hastur Mini Single Hole Airflow Post

Simon G

Apr 12, 2016
This product review is sponsored by Nottingham's loud gobby metallic punk band Consumed. You can watch their new video here.

What we have here is a replaceable positive post for the Cthulhu Hastur mini, I'm informed that it's a 1.6mm under coil hole.

This what it looks like with the original set up ..... 2 little holes.


and this is what we will be replacing it with... please excuse my oily fingers, the exhaust decided to disconnect itself from the barrel on my vespa this morning. (note to self after fitting a brand new expansion chamber, always go back a couple of months later when it's all bedded in and tighten it all down again.)


The swap process is very easy, it took less then a minute ..... unscrew the 510 pin, pop the positive side out, replace and screw the 510 pin back in. Far easier than trying to get to the inside nut on a T5 manifold when you have a stupid great racing exhaust in the way.


and that's it .....

Straight away it feels a little looser draw, not massively so ... just a tad.

I used to run it on the biggest airflow on the AFC (I say biggest but none of them are what I would call big) now I'm in the middle.... so tighter the outside, looser on the inside which does give me a slightly different draw and the majority of the airflow is now centered at the hottest parts of the coil.

It's not a massive difference to me but vaping my other one side by side they do feel like slightly different tanks ..... I'm not sure which I prefer right now. I like both though. If you are into tweaking your vape and like the mini already then I don't see why you wouldn't want this in the spares box.

I bought mine as a set of 2 from Fasttech for a $2.20

But they also have them on the Cthulhu website as singles for $0.99

They also have glass too for $1.50

Extras like this are often the domain of expensive high end tanks so it's really nice to see stuff like this coming out for inexpensive tanks like the Hastur Mini. It's a brilliant little tank and it's great to see @cthulhumod supporting thier customers with extras like this airflow option and the wider tip (now supplied as standard) at a price that nobody is going to worry about ...... I give you a round of applause for that! :)

@ZT @Crewella @MTLCrew
Do you find that by closing off the outer airflow a bit, the vapour is hotter than with it fully open?

It seems like a good one, shame I don’t buy new atties any more. Maybe if one breaks and needs replaced...
Do you find that by closing off the outer airflow a bit, the vapour is hotter than with it fully open?

It seems like a good one, shame I don’t buy new atties any more. Maybe if one breaks and needs replaced...

I'm not sure ..... having a vape now it feels a little hotter on the one with the 2 holes and wide open. ... but the coils are slightly different resistances 1.29 and 1.56 ... because that's how I roll and I don't care. :D
Best way to be. I hear you’re still measuring your concentrates with a teaspoon as well.
..... I'm starting to think I prefer this new single hole though, not sure why, it just seems a slightly more satisfying vape..... interesting.
I much preferred the single hole on the skyline. Not sure I had any others with multiple holes. But it seems like a daft idea, I don’t see the advantage.
I'm vaping on some BB 7/18 Spiritwalker Chiricahua .... 30ml of pure heaven. :D
I much preferred the single hole on the skyline. Not sure I had any others with multiple holes. But it seems like a daft idea, I don’t see the advantage.

I always thought that diffusing the air across the whole coil would be better than just blasting it in the centre but maybe not ....
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