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‘E-cigs a risk’ fear may see law move




[h=3]ELECTRONIC cigarettes face a crackdown amid fears they could be harmful to smokers trying to quit tobacco.[/h]Figures show TWO MILLION Brits have tried them and 650,000 use them regularly. But Health Minister Simon Burns said some e-cigs had been “found to pose a potential danger”.
They contain nicotine-infused water inhaled as a vapour. A consultation has found support for having them controlled by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority.
The MHRA said: “It’s illegal to sell e-cigarettes as a ‘quit smoking’ aid unless they’re licensed as a medicine.”
Shadow health minister Diane Abbott said e-cigs’ potential to help the UK’s ten million smokers quit is being “held back by a lack of scientific research” into them.
If those 650,000 regular users used to be 20 a day smokers, that would equate to quite a lot of lost tax revenue... which is what the government is REALLY bothered about.

If they were REALLY concerned about the health of smokers then they'd embrace the concept of Tobacco Harm Reduction, invest the relatively small amount of money that it would cost to carry out INDEPENDENT research/testing and when the results proved that there are health benefits to switching, actively encourage smokers who've found NRT ineffective to switch.

Of course, they aren't concerned about smokers at all... to them, smokers are an easy target for vilification and taxation, so they will continue to preach 'quit or die' because historically, smokers contribute more money in taxation and die younger... both of which increase government coffers... kind of a win/win for the government and a lose/lose for smokers.

The whole role of government in the last 25-30 years seems to have become more and more about disempowerment of the majority of people through economic control and propaganda through collussion with questionable elements in the media.

It's time the whole political process in this country was reformed to ensure that NEED takes priority over GREED.. trouble is, while ever those with economic clout are allowed to exercise control by politicians who are only bothered about their own greed fuelled vested interests, the situation won't change.

What we need is a modern day Guy Fawkes to do away with the whole lot of corrupt feckers.

/rant off.
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