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+1 for the health-e-vape


Jan 23, 2013
Made an order with health e vape - brilliant prices and fast delivery

went for the mini vivi nova 2ml set (forgot about the plinth, as I use ego battery...) and 3 juices - peppermint ice, irish coffee and coffee ;)

do you if they require much steeping ? I had a go at peppermint ice just to try it - its pretty strong, but no throat hit at all - too early ?
Usually menthol-type concoctions are good to go, what mg strength does it say on the bottle? They are actually online for questions on their website now, if you want it straight from the horses mouth.

Edit: I ask about the mg, coz the default nic content is zero on their website.
Yep, got it sorted with Callum.

turns out that the mixing machine was set up to 0mg nicotine...It wasnt my order only - his sorting out my and other orders too ;) Hopefully will get it this weekend.
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