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It's an innokin proton with scion II tank... I can't take a draw on it for more than half a second without almost coughing up a lung, it's just horrible, I am taking it straight into the lungs and it's nothing like my friends cheap chinese unit he got off eBay, on that thing I can take a massive draw and blow out a cumulonimbus sized cloud!
This vape is just far to hot and also it doesn't seem to be vapourising everything, because inside the drip tips is spots of juice and it gets in my mouth too. Tried vaping at lots of different watts and it's all just as bad.
It's an innokin proton with scion II tank... I can't take a draw on it for more than half a second without almost coughing up a lung, it's just horrible, I am taking it straight into the lungs and it's nothing like my friends cheap chinese unit he got off eBay, on that thing I can take a massive draw and blow out a cumulonimbus sized cloud!
This vape is just far to hot and also it doesn't seem to be vapourising everything, because inside the drip tips is spots of juice and it gets in my mouth too. Tried vaping at lots of different watts and it's all just as bad.
Have a look at this and come back with any questions you still have.

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