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1st rebuildable..... Nervous....


Sep 21, 2012
I am thinking of purchasing a rebuildable tank system but am a bit confused over the choice. In your experienced opinion, what would be the best one to start with?? So far I am favouring the aga-t here


Or maybe a genesis style as shown here -


Or maybe you peeps know of a better starter unit.

I have the necessary meter and also an HNC in electronic engineering so feel ok about the testing etc (it's my big fat chubby fingers that worry me more !! )

As always, your opinions are greatly appreciated.
I like the look of the AGA T to be honest. The second one looks like the Cobra Copy and if you watch the VTTV I posted here it might be best avoided?
Aha, thanks KMS, once again you have proved invaluable to me (sorry, sounded a bit like a bond baddy there)

So the aga-t it is then, although pupleflower says hey are a bit small and fiddly..... Hmmmmmm
I've got the aga-s which is smaller by 1.5ml. I'm pretty sure the aga-t can be bother silica or mesh (genesis style) so gives you more options in the long run. I love the little guy but I would consider getting it's bigger brother at a later date :)
Thanks PF. I did see your review of the S version and the only thing that troubled me was when you said it was a bit smaller and fiddler than usual. That and it doesn't come with a wick pre-assembled, and no instructions. For my first one I would like at least a set of instructions telling me how to build it !!
A lot if rebuildables don't come with instructions, I think they seem to assume we know everything! YouTube is your friend with rebuildables.
My biggest problem is eyesight. I have one of those helping hands clip things for soldering - on a stand with a built in magnifier. It has made rebuilding a hell of a lot easier. OK if I am really honest it was virtually impossible before this. The biggest danger / worry for me is throwing the effing thing across the room in complete frustration - has been OK since I started using the stand thing.
The aga-t and s both look good. I think safercigs is getting the w with all steel parts but don't know when.
The above second link, I think is actually the did clone, hence two sizes. Could be wrong.
Both are genesis btw and both can also be set up with fibre wicks.

As above YouTube is your friend.

At the end of the day it is a resistor between two terminals. You are just making the resistor and then adding wicking material.
Fibre wick inside that resistor offers less chance of a short.
Steel mesh inside the coil has to be oxidised heavily to avoid a short. And can still short.

Fibre wick is more forgiving so is a good starting point for building confidence. It is also easy to make the coil away from the device and that makes it that bit easier as you have all the room you need.
i got a aga-t two weeks ago from britvapes £18 with discount code bargin simple to rewick cracking vape
Thanks guys, and especially Recant for the tip on the fibre wick. I think I will go for the aga t. I will let you know how I get on..... And take pics of my disasters for you all to laugh at
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