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2 Joyetech Elitar pipes


Jul 26, 2017
The black one has a few scuffs, as per pics, The wood effect one is in good condition.

No boxes, tanks or owt. The tanks were a bit shit anyway, better with a 22mm of your choice.

They're random looking, but they are one of the only regulated pipes available that had a removable 18650. (Actually there was some smok thing afterwards, but that was a bit pants I think).

I will cover postage.

Names on a list please if there is more than one taker.



Really fancied trying one of these but never got round to it thanks for the chance

1. ObiWanVaponi
2. Amnesiac
3. Vaporz1
Oooh. This would fit perfectly with my new distinguished gentleman image I'm cultivating. Nice one @MHL

1. ObiWanVaponi
2. Amnesiac
3. Vaporz1
4. Simebaby
Awesome giveaway mate :yourock:been after a pipe for years, even trying to buy the damn things but cant always get them, or the prices seem ridiculous (to me).

1. ObiWanVaponi
2. Amnesiac
3. Vaporz1
4. Simebaby
5. andipandi
1. ObiWanVaponi
2. Amnesiac
3. Vaporz1
4. Simebaby
5. andipandi
6. Donblast

Thank you
Ah man I can't resist!
1. ObiWanVaponi
2. Amnesiac
3. Vaporz1
4. Simebaby
5. andipandi
6. Donblast
7. ForestMagpie
Thanks for the opportunity.
fancied a epipe for a while , thanks @MHL

1. ObiWanVaponi
2. Amnesiac
3. Vaporz1
4. Simebaby
5. andipandi
6. Donblast
7. ForestMagpie
8. GoWo
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