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25% Discount Code @ Darkstar

I know the code Rosswaa is on about, it was a group specific on Facebook.

Which has since expired :(, I tried using it myself :P

I need more nic in the freezer

March 31st it ended
thanks for the info @Huggett. I'm going to have to work out if i need more nic. I can't remember how much i've got freezing out there and how long that will last for 3mg strength. Could always have the strength and double my supply.:18:
thanks for the info @Huggett. I'm going to have to work out if i need more nic. I can't remember how much i've got freezing out there and how long that will last for 3mg strength. Could always have the strength and double my supply.:18:
If my maths is correct, 500ml is equivalent to around 11L at 3mg mate

Code POTV works :)

Nope it's bang on the nose for 12L
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