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2nd Times a Charm! Robert Pattinson goes to Electronic Cigarette Again!




Robert Pattinson is hoping to improve his lifestyle by quitting his bad habit of cigarette smoking. The entertainer was seen on Saturday night with cigarettes, but before fans rush to judgment it was an electronic cigarette to help curb the habit. As the entertainer was supporting Kristen Stewart, the couple was seen after the On The Roadpremiere enjoying time mingling with others and that’s when people started reporting that Pattinson’s dedication to stop smoking had fallen short as there was a cigarette in his mouth.Believe it or not, an electronic cigarette works close to the same premise as a regular cigarette, minus the tobacco and chemicals. Weaning the body off of the additives, some people still like the action of breathing a stick making an electronic cigarette a perfect choice while trying to stop. This is the second time Robert Pattinson has tried to stop smoking as he only recently started again in the past few months.
The idea of an electronic cigarette was actually a suggestion from Leonardo DiCaprio. Pals with the Twilight star, the opportunity to share some healthy advice to curb the smoker’s urges came into play when the two friends got together. While it might take some time, it appears that Robert Pattinson is working on kicking the habit once again!

Robert Pattinson = worst vampire ever...

Not a good endorsement for vaping >.>
Set aside the fact I'd rather take up smoking again then watch any of the twilight films, I think it's a good thing that someone with that reputation is using an e-cig for a good cause. It's positive surely!
this Patterson thing has been mentioned before as a product placement thing so he is being paid to use a Brand of E-cig as organised by a Advertising company

think of this as you will
Im a bit of a celebrity gossip whore and hes been smoking on and off for the past couple years, the use of an ecig is kind of far and few between... hes not much into letting people know his personal business so I dont think it is a marketing ploy.

If it were a marketing ploy then YAY! Because all his lil teenie bopper fans who smoke might take the hint and vape instead!
Im a bit of a celebrity gossip whore and hes been smoking on and off for the past couple years, the use of an ecig is kind of far and few between... hes not much into letting people know his personal business so I dont think it is a marketing ploy.

If it were a marketing ploy then YAY! Because all his lil teenie bopper fans who smoke might take the hint and vape instead!

I take that to mean you are team Edward then.
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