I get upset when a new vaper doesnt get that "Whoa!" moment when they first try something out.
They are very helpful
They are very helpful
Thats why I like JACVapour stuff, dont get problems like that with a KR808 connection, I have had problems with the EGO-T with the center pin not quite making contact after removing from charger.
Interesting you say that. I got a beautiful hand carved wooden box mod but the 510 connector is basically crap. I PMd the vendor (who is repairing/ replacing said connector so no issues there) who said 510 connectors can be really hit and miss on the quality front. On the one I had the centre pin was very loose and I was constantly having to lift it with a small screwdriver every time I changed what i put on the mod. PITA.
It doesn't require you to stand and watch it. It will though make sure the cartomizer is full.I haven't and if it takes a day I'm not going to lol!