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7 months and going strong


Mar 26, 2014
Hello all. I've been a 2 pack a day smoker for 24 years and 7 months ago I finally switched to vaping.* It was the best decision of my life. Tried the gas station cheapo's about a year ago but got frustrated at the inconsistencies and battery life.* I did a little research and got an innokin vv and was pretty happy with for awhile but wanted a full day of vaping so I got a n mvp. I've been extremely happy with it and use my vv when I charge my mvp. The problem I've been finding is that there wasn't very many options for carrying this box mod around so I decided to make my own.* *Anyway, I'm glad I switched to vaping!*

Vape on!

Welcome! Love the case you made, looks great, nice and protective too.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
Hi, welcome and congratulations on your achievement. I got an MVP v2 delivered yesterday and I love it.
:hugs: Congratulations and Welcome to the Gang!!! I think you'll have a Friend on here! Midnight will Love that, she makes Mod Stands out of Cornflake Boxes!!!
Looks good, I have a lanyard on mine, so I know where it is at all times...........
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