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70/30 dtl recipe to 50/50 mtl recipe

Blazing Atoms

Feb 9, 2023
As a rda user I don't have much need for my mtl devices unless I need discretion. I mix most of my recipes to the usual 80/20 or 70/30. I've been asked if I can make some 50/50 juice for a friend and probably myself, is it a case of just applying the recipe to 50/50 ratio and mix as usual. Will any of the flavour values need to be adjusted also.

He vapes 6mg and I have 72mg salts (s) 100pg

And they like caramel if anyone can recommend any half decent recipes.

Many thanks.
Can't help with caramel recipes but yes it's just a case of adjusting the VG/PG content.
The sweetness might need to be adjusted. A 80/20 or 70/30 mix will be sweeter than a 50/50 mix because of the sweetness of VG compared to PG.
Hi @Blazing Atoms, as already said you don’t need to change anything except your base ratios unless you are going to be using a pod system in which case you might need to boost the flavour percentages.
I will share a couple of simple but very good caramel recipes that are still being rated highly today so don’t be put off by the date that they were released.
This first one was created by the mixing master known by FreshPies and is more up to date.
Both of these recipes need a decent steep especially the second one which the creator advises three to four weeks and in my experience patience really is a virtue and pays off dividends in the flavour department. . The first one needs at least one week. Add sweetener to your liking, I usually add 0.5% of Capella Super Sweet in all of my mixes.
If you want me to find you some more caramel recipes just let me know.
Edit: I squeezed this recipe in because I had missed it earlier.
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Hi @Blazing Atoms, as already said you don’t need to change anything except your base ratios unless you are going to be using a pod system in which case you might need to boost the flavour percentages.
I will share a couple of simple but very good caramel recipes that are still being rated highly today so don’t be put off by the date that they were released.
This first one was created by the mixing master known by FreshPies and is more up to date.
Both of these recipes need a decent steep especially the second one which the creator advises three to four weeks and in my experience patience really is a virtue and pays off dividends in the flavour department. . The first one needs at least one week. Add sweetener to your liking, I usually add 0.5% of Capella Super Sweet in all of my mixes.
If you want me to find you some more caramel recipes just let me know.
Edit: I squeezed this recipe in because I had missed it earlier.
Thank you for those, I have the creamy caramel custard, it's on week 5 of a steep so think it might be ready to try now.
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