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A fair few questions on basic vape/general!


May 19, 2014

I should have been reading more about this recently but just been a bit hectic! When i checked out youtube or typed random word in google i was finding myself more confused!:rotflmao:

So currently i smoke rollups and have done for a good amount of years, but if i can cut down that would be great as i seem to be more of a chain smoker :56: If i could cut down 10 or more and see where i was that would be great (i don't think i could give up my 1'st couple of fags for the day, but you never know!

Anyways, i was vaguely looking at sites/youtubes and wasn't too sure on things (and the marketplace here) I think for a first e-cig/vape thing, i would go for an ego type thing. Now this has me really confused, i have seen alot of choices from each e-tailer (i even randomly saw an ego for like £5 on amazon - most probably not very good?) Or say starter kits varying from £20-40 (as alot of you have said/read 2 batteries would be better) - just looked at variable voltage, i should probably go for this?

Do the various companies offerings vary much? Whether it's in quality of the unit/extra bits with/without it? I was watching a review on the Rok legend i think, and few others aswell.

With an ego, do you have to change the battery or the tanks (sorry don't know the name!) where you put the juice? But you can also upgrade ego tanks/batteries aswell?

I would probably try to use it quite a bit, as i smoke rolling tobacco and kind of chain smoke sometimes! I like to feel it hit the back of my throat ;)

So reputable places would be here with the marketplace, are there any other trusted sites for buying vapes? As so many came up when i tried to search more into it. Also for juices, are most places safe and reputable... but also do they differ in quality/flavour/strength?

I remember reading some posts here about getting sample packs of flavours, the marketplace here is good i imagine ;) but are there any other places people like aswell?

I am tempted to go for/try more fruity/varied tastes rather than a straight tobacco flavour. With being a rollie smoker, what kind of strength should i consider for nicotine? I was initially thinking medium or high, but i'm not too sure.

How often would i be buying liquids if i'm say a 20/day kind of smoker?

Currently i'm not too sure when i would buy one (i have been wanting one for a fair while) it's just i have to go away with my gf soon, so money will be tighter and might have to wait a good few weeks or possibly month or so (i'm not really sure atm) - also, with vaping can i use these in pubs? As i drag my girlfriend outside when i smoke :p

I think i have more questions but my mind is completely blank! If there is anything you might think i've forgotton or haven't thought about, please feel free to correct me/say :)

So i'd probably look to spend about £20-40 on some sort of starter kit and/or liquids... i'm not too sure!

Lastly i apologise if i'm asking questions you've read so many times over (for god sakes, read the stickies 'Smokedout'! kind of thing :umm: ;)) So again, apologies. I seem to have random questions wrapped up into my random ramblings!

*i didn't post links to products etc.. to show what i meant, as i wasn't sure if i'm allowed to post random companies - i wasn't sure so wanted to ask before i did! Just a bit lost on it all so wanted to ask!*

Anyways, thanks for reading and any replies!
don't worry about asking questions, about three months ago I was in the same boat you are, I'd go for an ego starter pack I think that's where most of us started, if your looking for where to buy it I'd go to myepack, there the bestest the cheapest and the delivery times are stunningly fast

sunny TeesDale in the north east
Um, where to start!

Ok, firstly the cost. I smoked like you, spending £10 every 2/3 days on Golden V. Spending a weeks fag money on a setup really does make sense.

The Ego battery setup is a good choice. The batteries are rechargeable, so buy a charger, and I would buy from a reputable shop as Ebay, and possibly Amazon, seems to have a lot of rubbish being sold. With a starter kit like the ego you can refill the tanks, but get a few of spare coils as they do wear out.

Nicotine strength depends on you. I started with 18mg, on 12 now, and I now I find 6 to be ok too.

To be honest, I looked it as a method of cutting down too when I started, and now, in the week, I don't smoke any fags, but have a handful at the weekend with a beer, so I'd say it's cut out 90%+ of my smoking without even trying.
The ego type is a good pplace to start, and yes get 2 batterys and 2 "top bits" which ever you decide. I know quite a few people how have go well with the ego, and then given up when the battery ran out or the "top bit" wore out.
With regards to vendors, yes the quality can be miles apart, I'd avoid places like amazon, try one from the discount codes tab above, Plumeblu are very good and one I'd recomend, they sell good kits and varible voltage batterys which ever you prefer. Wether you go vv is up to you, it can be good to have, others want someting that just works with out the adjustment.
How ofter you buy juice will depend on how much you use it ? but I'd guess you'll have loads with 20-30ml to start, and get differant flavours more chance to find what you like best.
I'd say get a good starter kit, some good juice and then read up, there's loads of info here, then if you want to up grade later, you will have more idea of what you want
I reckon, that any venture/trial into vaping as a prospective smoking alternative, should be started with the minimum outlay,even if that means trying a 5 quid, off the shelf, electronic fag thing, from a supermarket.
The concept of vaping, ie having something in your hand that's not a ciggie/rollie is the biggest hurdle. Using a cheapy e-cig will give you a feel for things,even if it doesn't hit the spot as far as getting your fix goes.
You might even think, yeah, I can handle something like this,if only it tasted better and gave me my nicotine fix, and if that happens, you've just about cracked it because then the door is wide open for you to look for something better and more efficient.
I started with Ego`s at Christmas after 55 yrs smoking. I`m still on ego`s with variable batteries. I have bought new tanks for home use. As I had to give up due to heart attack I looked for baccy type liquids. The one I have found is House of Liquids Cigarllos, which I`m vaping at the moment. Some times, wife asks me to light her a ciggy when she`s driving and it tastes yuk !!. Tried lots of fruity flavours. I think my favourite one for an all day vape is Sherbert Fizz. Also, cloudy lemonade from Steamgunk is superb. Best to buy samples at first as some liquids are horrible !. Good luck.
I hate to say it but my 1st one was from eBay. The mighty £4.99 one, I have to be honest it was superb and I still use the battery and tank now. So I bought another one from the same seller, it was crap, battery died after a day and wouldn't take a charge, the tank leaked like crazy. I guess there are some good ones at that price but really I think not that many. I'd still say keep it under a tenner to start with, that way if you don't like it you've not spent a lot finding out

Sent from my iPad using Planet of the Vapes
I hate to say it but my 1st one was from eBay. The mighty £4.99 one, I have to be honest it was superb and I still use the battery and tank now. So I bought another one from the same seller, it was crap, battery died after a day and wouldn't take a charge, the tank leaked like crazy. I guess there are some good ones at that price but really I think not that many. I'd still say keep it under a tenner to start with, that way if you don't like it you've not spent a lot finding out

I'm sure there is still some real bargains on ebay, its just knowing which ones they are amongst all the crap. I'd agree don't spend a fortune befour you see if you get on with it, but I'd go more than £10 if your gonna do it, give youself a fighting chance. I'd say the op's initial budget is about right
Welcome to the Planet! :welcome2:

I would avoid eBay for ecig stuff as a general rule and buy from a reputable vendor any of the vendors listed on here are fantastic. eBay offer no comeback for faulty goods as ebay don't allow the sale of ecigs on there (many sellers get around this by calling them e-shisha) and because they aren't supposed to be sold on there they will not support you if anything were to go wrong with the sale, paypal or otherwise.

As for your first kit it's all a bit of a personal choice to you really and what you think would suit you best
I do think ego batteries are the way to go when starting but whether you want a variable one is mainly up to you and your budget. My first ecig was a variable and I still use it 8 months later.
Non variable egos are still an excellent choice but you'd be surprised the difference a variable (aka spinner/twist) can make to the flavour of your juices. Some dessert type juices are much better at lower voltage whereas others can go higher for example. It all depends how much you want to commit really - if you're looking just to dip your toes and see if its for you then an standard ego will be more than fine but if you'd really like to keep vaping as a long term thing then a twist will benefit you more in the long run.

For Vendors I would gladly recommend any that are listed on this forum - some vary in prices or say postage fee, again it's whatever suits you and your budget. I could list loads of vendors on here than are beyond fantastic, but they are all great.

Your batteries should last you a fair while, as with all batteries they have a charging cycle (around 500ish ballpark). For the tanks the only bit you generally need to change is the 'head' which is where the coils are which vapourise your juice. They can vary in lifetime depending on what juice you use, what power you vape at, how light/heavy you vape - if I were to give a general lifetime I'd say 2-4 weeks then you simply buy a replacement head for £1-2, screw it in and away you go again. Simple as that - when you get more experienced in it you can even rebuild the heads yourself but for now we'll stick to the basics :)

I was also a 20 a day rollie smoker and I started off at 18mg which has suited me perfectly, gives me the nicotine I want and gives a decent throat hit.
You'll find your ideal nicotine levels the more you vape - if you find you're struggling to put your ecig down then consider upping it or if you find yourself with mild headaches and/or a bit of nausea then drop down - some 20 a day smokers I know settled on 18, others I know prefer 12mg, just see what suits but I think 18 is a good starting point and would advise that in regards to your current smoking habits.
The most important thing I would advise is to be mindful of your fluid intake - when swapping to vaping it can dehydrate you much quicker so if headaches do become a thing it may not be nic level and just more fluids needed.

How often you'd be buying liquids will again depend on your personal usage - as a rough idea an average starter kit type tank will hold 1.5-2ml of juice and the 'average' person would toot through a tank every 1-2 days so a bottle will last around a week, maybe less or more, I'm considered a reasonably light vaper and a 1.5ml tank will usually last me a couple of days so a 10ml bottle can last me nearly a fortnight.
Also you may find you like swapping between flavours as the day goes on (I usually toot 3-4 a day) so the bottles will tend to last longer as you're not tooting the same juice all week long and you're too'ing and fro'ing.

Do try and get yourself a selection of juices to start you off with though - there will just be some you don't like, and without trying to put you off finding the juices for you can be the hardest part of all but thankfully we have so much choice and quality vendors now that you will find those 'holy grail' juices or ADV (all day vape) juices.
A lot of vapers will swap/sell juices on here if they don't get along with them so it's not money wastes, you'll be able to swap sell any that aren't for you very easily!

I hope all that helps! Any other questions spring to mind please do ask, no question is a silly question!
Personally I had bad experience with eBay and e-Cigs. The truth is with eBay the sellers are all competing to get the cheapest price to appeal to buyers, I mean I'm sure we've all clicked cheapest Inc p+p first.

Plus the fees and postage etc plus cost of goods should ring alarm bells at dirt cheap ecigs I bought 2 both dangerous upon opening them up when they died.

It's all well and good saving money but I personally say a few quid isn't worth your health / life. Id only recommend reputable sellers such as myepack. Again this is all purely my opinion you don't have to take any notice hell you could even tell me to go forth and multiply I wouldn't be offended I just want you to be safe starting.

Now you've been looking at £20-30 kits id personally recommend this. Good kit and good service from Ash
Mini Protank 2 Kit SS - Starter Kits

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