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A few Questions?

Hello and welcome, My missus had a bit of heartburn to begin with, it soon stopped though. just go with what you feel comfortable with, its all a bit confusing to begin with but it all gets clearer....honestly....in a couple of weeks you will mixing your own and eyeing up your next device!!! Stick at it and don't be afraid to shout on here. The only daft question is the one that isn't asked!!!

I have many daft questions like for example
Who would win in a fight between a bear and a shark?
pg is propyl glycerine and vg is vegetable glycerine, e liquids (juice) are made up from various ratios of theres plus flavouring and nicotine! the better quality liquids tend to have more vg, as it seems to give more 'smoke'
pg is propyl glycerine and vg is vegetable glycerine, e liquids (juice) are made up from various ratios of theres plus flavouring and nicotine! the better quality liquids tend to have more vg, as it seems to give more 'smoke'

you mean vapour surely guy fawkes or is it V
its true most of the "gourmet e liquids" contain more vg and I like em because I have a pg sensitivity If I have too much I get an allergic reaction so my all day vape is 100%VG blackfire from @bestcigliquid and my other is fruit mix 80vg/20pg from @Empvap

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