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A new frustrated vaper

Maybe buy another shortfill and try it before adding the nic. Then try again after. That way you'll know if it's the nic shot causing the difference.
Thanks for all the great info. What an amazing forum!
I had read about the pitfalls of Smok and do think I need to try a new device at some stage

I do mix all my short fills well and have left them for over a week. Maybe it was a dodgy nic shot! Anyone got any recommendations as to the most reliable nic shot?

The Custard I bought was by “the custard company”. I’m not blaming the actual company as so many reviews have had nothing but good things to say about it. I’m sure it was something I did wrong.

Also, can anyone recommend a really simple but creamy vanilla type ice cream or custard flavour? I like sweet!

i tried the custard company when they first came out, the 10ml bottles was lush, then i bought 3 of there shortfills & they all ended up going the kermit they was shite, anyway like as been said it was more than likely your nic shot was iffy & i only get my nic shots from 2 well trusted vendors, who are Darkstar & Nomnomz just nic it high VG.
I wouldnt rule out vapers tongue . buy some Heidelberg , that will cure it .
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