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a note on cheap nic


Jul 8, 2013
recently i have found a few places selling nic cheaper than me although at first lok u would think bloody hell bargain BUT i says BUT !! these stores are importing pure nic in from India and china and mixing batches of 72 mg base then selling it on without each and every batch being sent to a lab for testing and having no poisons licence, ect if u see any one selling cheap nic base always ask to see the lab data sheets for the batch and also ask to see there poisons licence . just imagine if one of theses company's made a mistake wat would be the back lash on vapers with the current regulations trying tio get put through ..... DON'T BE put off if u do see cheap nic tho it may well all be legit but i do urge you to ask to see the batch data sheets and a poisons licence and a hazardous goods training certificate . my data sheets are always up on the site for any 1 and every one to see for each and every batch i get in . as for poisons licence i don't need one as i buy in only 72 mg and send it straight out to customers.
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