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A question about batteries.


Apr 22, 2013
I know this sort of question has probably been asked a thousand times but i just want to be safe and am fairly new to the mod world (x innokin svd ,vamo etc...). This xmas with a bit of persuasion my better half bought me a PiscesT from Shmovapes and i am currently using the 18650 panasonic imr batteries i used with my svd, is this the safe way to go with mods or should i be using protected cels, my coils generally run around 1.2 ohms. If i should be using protected batteries would the equivalent protected Panasonic's be best?
If they are the Panasonic NCR18650PD or NCR18650PF (newer version of the PD's) they should be fine to use in a mech at 1.2 ohms. I think these batteries are actually INR not IMR, a hybrid battery but still considered safe chemistry and they have a 10 amp continuous draw limit so safe down to about 0.5 ohms but you are better off staying well within their capabilities. I've got a couple of these and found them to be good batteries.
just a side note - most protected batteries will trigger and shut down in a mech mod if the amp drain gets too high, if you feel the need for protection they make vapesafe fuses that shut off at around 7 amps (new 14 amp versions coming)

just be mindful of things, like is the mod or button getting hot, dont over discharge them, know exactly what resistance (and amp draw you are using) and that the atty isnt shorted before use and you should be good to go. i use several of the PD/PF batts and even the B in a lower amp drain setup. panasonic makes a very good battery.

it should be remembered the protected batteries are designed specifically with flashlights in mind and many regulated mods will not like them, and many high drain coils in a mech can trigger them at some point.
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Its a moot point with most mechs, most protected cells wont fit due to the strip and extra wrapping.

As a side note, I have protected cells that dont trip till 7a, so you could fire down to .6ohm without issue.

Personally id be happier if mechs were bored to 19.5mm so protected cells could be easily fitted. A fuse doesn't prevent over discharge which is much more of a problem.

I've also never had an issue with any of my protected celks in my vamo, but I only use keeppower (panasonic 3400mah) Samsung and sanyo cells. Bare in mind aw cells are only sanyos or samsungs inside, they are just selected from huge batches for performance.
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