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A vape box delivered to your door every month.

Josh Williams

Nov 19, 2018
Hi all,

I’m looking to pitch an idea very soon that’s basically a subscription box service for vaping. It is going to be different to anything we’ve seen so far and hope it will solve a wide array of problems. As it’s in the very early stages at the moment and I need to know whether it’s something people want. I believe it is. Here’s the basic proposition in a nutshell (which may change depending on research).

‘Based on what you choose, you’ll get a nimbus box full of liquids, coils and more delivered to your door every month. ’

As time goes on I plan to shed more light on the idea and its process through emails. I plan to collate as much feedback as possible from fellow vapers. I’ve created a very basic site below:


I’d be super grateful if you could sign up for updates. Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks all

"We are pitching the UK’s first vape subscription box service that delivers vapour liquids, coils and more straight to your door."
I dont believe you are the first with the liquids
"We are pitching the UK’s first vape subscription box service that delivers vapour liquids, coils and more straight to your door."
I dont believe you are the first with the liquids

Yeah true. This isn't just liquids. But maybe it is misleading.
There are many many different types of companies out there that offer this - what makes you any different?

Also believe you need to have vendor status in order to promote your site here - @Rob
There are many many different types of companies out there that offer this - what makes you any different?

Also, believe you need to have vendor status in order to promote your site here - @Rob

Thanks for the response! Yes, there is, can you name me a few? I've spoken to a few people and no one was aware of any service like this before. So 1 difference would be a solid memorable and trust brand combined with an easy to use experience. There is also a big deal around ' To much choice' which I attend to explore.

Let me know your thoughts

I let this through as I felt you'd all tell Josh that it's ALL been done BEFORE :)
What 'problem' does it attempt to solve? If I want juice or coils I buy them - either online or by strolling up to one of the 3 vape shops by my house.

The monthly juice service already exists by the way.
What 'problem' does it attempt to solve? If I want juice or coils I buy them - either online or by strolling up to one of the 3 vape shops by my house.

The monthly juice service already exists by the way.

One of the problems is simply around quitting smoking. The need to replace the coils and liquids is the apparently biggest hassle that comes when transitioning to vape from cigarettes. Especially as they are new vapers or people who don't leave near any vape shops.

There are lot's of different types of vapers. You guys are the ones who probably know a lot more about vaping and have seen it all so it's much harder to validate this idea with you. Which is exactly what I need!

Thanks for your feedback!
It's always going to be difficult doing this system Josh. There have been (and continue to be) companies trying this and it really seems to have dropped off the radar nowadays as so many go down the DIY route and then just purchase any additional Ready Mades direct from their chosen Supplier or Maker.

However......... Never say never. :)
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