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A7 Rebuildable atomizer

I bought one of these (from foreign climes) about 6 weeks ago and have to say - it's in a different league to the Phoenix/Volcano. A much nicer vape, easier to rewick/coil and the well that the wick sits in lets it hold much more juice.

It is supposed to be useable with bottom feeders, but I found that to do so I needed to fit a 510 spacer to the bottom (apart from on Bodgefest and it looked so out of place on that and made it top-heavy). It looks great on my IMotion.
Very nice, but where's the tank version? I want a taaaaaaaannnnnkkkk!!!
I bought one of these (from foreign climes) about 6 weeks ago and have to say - it's in a different league to the Phoenix/Volcano. A much nicer vape, easier to rewick/coil and the well that the wick sits in lets it hold much more juice.

It is supposed to be useable with bottom feeders, but I found that to do so I needed to fit a 510 spacer to the bottom (apart from on Bodgefest and it looked so out of place on that and made it top-heavy). It looks great on my IMotion.

So you think it's a better vape than the phoenix?
I have this from rui, but I was thinking of getting a phoenix ss too, because of the material.
I agree that with some bottom feeders is not usable without an adapter, as certain catchcups will block the airflow..
It works well on my sweetvapes with large catch cup and on my phydia though, and I guess du bocage too, as rui was selling them.
Weird - I couldn't get it to contact on my Sweetvapes.

I think it is a better vape than the Phoenix/Volcano slightly airier but better flavour and it and its wick and wick well certainly hold more juice.
Sweetvapes has a deep connector.
With some mods I had to unscrew the bottom of the connector a bit for it to make contact.
Sweetvapes has a deep connector.
With some mods I had to unscrew the bottom of the connector a bit for it to make contact.

I'm glad you mentioned that because it did occur to me that maybe I should do that. :)
How easy/hard are these to wire up? I quite like the look of it, but I have very shaky hands which I imagine could lead to MANY blown coils.. I know the site says to check each coil so you don't blow out the whole unit... I hope that's just an exaggeration! lol
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