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I'm sure more knowledgeable folks will be along shortly, so don't entirely trust my patter,,,,

But, no heard that before. I know if you run the cell below 3V recharging it can be difficult and quite bad for the internal chemistry of the cell. If you run down very low, I suppose recharging a very depleted cell could be a tad iffy. I have on occasion ran a cell down to below 3V and the life expectancy was reduced a fair bit.

More be concerned about having your build within the operating parameters of the cell and making sure it has no shorts before popping it on the mech. Fire the coils on a regulated gadget first just to ba all ship shape.

Any concerns or worries, do please ask away on here!!!
there is no evidence to back this up, its the the time the battery stays depleted that causes the harm to the battery
mooch said
above 1.5 would technically be ok if it's charged straight after depleting
but due to safety and the stupids out there he will advise a higher number is safe
i posted about this way back
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I ran into the same wall of not being able to get a decent vape out of anything, let alone a mech, with a single 18650 battery. I tried 20700 devices and 21700 devices and super low resistance builds (which works but does make you a little anxious)

In the end I came to the conclusion that my particular vape requirements where just above that provided by a single battery mod and so have generally stuck to twin battery devices ever since. It was great experimenting with mechs though and I think everyone should go there for the sake of experience. If it proves satisfactory then job done. If it doesn't, then at least you have found out.
I ran into the same wall of not being able to get a decent vape out of anything, let alone a mech, with a single 18650 battery. I tried 20700 devices and 21700 devices and super low resistance builds (which works but does make you a little anxious)

In the end I came to the conclusion that my particular vape requirements where just above that provided by a single battery mod and so have generally stuck to twin battery devices ever since. It was great experimenting with mechs though and I think everyone should go there for the sake of experience. If it proves satisfactory then job done. If it doesn't, then at least you have found out.
I've also tried the 20700 but just adds some longevity over the VTC5A.

I had a decent build but I can't for the life of me remember what it was as I binned the wire tube with the gauge on it.

I'll try the flat ni80 and go for a 0.18 or so, taking into considerarion voltage drop on the Tauren.
But I hear you, might get a dual battery next
To get a decent vape you NEED low resistance. Forget about 0.25 or 0.3. It the resistance of your coils, along with the voltage, that determine how many watts your battery will pump into your build. I would advise a build that is 0.17 ohms MAX on a mech. Anything over will ramp up really slowly as the wattage is too low. With an 18650, 0.17 runs at a bit over 100 watts. With good, authentic batteries such as sony vtc5a, you will hit the max rating of 25 amps safely. I only use those batteries, and they are tough. I got as low as 0.08 ohms without any problem whatsoever. My every day build is 0.1 ohms. That said I am not advising super low resistance builds, but just remember that very good batteries will keep you safe
To get a decent vape you NEED low resistance. Forget about 0.25 or 0.3. It the resistance of your coils, along with the voltage, that determine how many watts your battery will pump into your build. I would advise a build that is 0.17 ohms MAX on a mech. Anything over will ramp up really slowly as the wattage is too low. With an 18650, 0.17 runs at a bit over 100 watts. With good, authentic batteries such as sony vtc5a, you will hit the max rating of 25 amps safely. I only use those batteries, and they are tough. I got as low as 0.08 ohms without any problem whatsoever. My every day build is 0.1 ohms. That said I am not advising super low resistance builds, but just remember that very good batteries will keep you safe

Erm, naw, sparky, you don't!!

You really don't. Mostly my builds were 0.2-0.35....

That'll suit you likes, but, that fair enough. You're about to get jumped with this patter. YOU may know fine what you are doing, but advising someone who is fairly new tae mechs to hit the red line on their cells as it is the only way to vape is a bit off.
At least you're suing decent cells, and aye, I've done the daft low ohm builds a few times as well, but don't be telling new folks to mechs that red lining amp limits is the way to go. We like a safety first policy, might seem tame to you, but hey ho.
Erm, naw, sparky, you don't!!

You really don't. Mostly my builds were 0.2-0.35....

That'll suit you likes, but, that fair enough. You're about to get jumped with this patter. YOU may know fine what you are doing, but advising someone who is fairly new tae mechs to hit the red line on their cells as it is the only way to vape is a bit off.
At least you're suing decent cells, and aye, I've done the daft low ohm builds a few times as well, but don't be telling new folks to mechs that red lining amp limits is the way to go. We like a safety first policy, might seem tame to you, but hey ho.

All right fair enough. Let's put it this way : it is MY opinion and MY experience that anything over 0.17 ohms does not provide a good vaping experience on a mech. I should have better chosen my words, I concede that.
I would like to make it clear as well that I wholeheartedly agree with your safety first policy, hence my emphasising of the importance using good quality cells, on mechs in particular. I disagree, however, that saying it is fine to use a cell that has been rated (by Mooch) 25A with a build that will indeed draw 25A is going against said policy. Going over that rating may indeed cause problems, which is why I clearly recommended not to do so, but I do not think that fear mongering - and I am not referring to your post EmbraSewerRat - is a good way of ensuring that vapers will stick to safety recommendations. Making informed decisions will keep us safe.
I am not saying that I am right and somebody else is wrong. All of the above is my personal opinion, based on my experience as someone who has vaped on mechs for many years, with god knows how many different cells, type of coils, etc... One may take whatever information from it they deem useful.
Making informed decisions requires being given access to good information, how else did donnie trumper get elected or brexit happen: not enough good information.

There are many things I take on trust - the cat, the car, available bank balance, but there are many things I will always give fair bit of a safety margin to - audi drivers, the dog, batteries. And humans.
Used to work in a vape shop and the levels of daftness, even with more experienced vapists was quite concerning. Fair few posts on here too, for sure with mechs, folks going a bit over or sailing a bit too close to the wind with certain cells. The information is out there it is whether folk take it on board when they see it or even actually look for it is another matter.
You've been mech head for a while by the sound, but when you first started what advice were you given or read? Back then if you'd been told your first couple of lines in your post, what would have happened?
Further, If a newbie had asked the same Q and only you and a couple of folks had replied and they saw your lines, took that onboard as their informed decision. Aye, most likely nothing more than 'oh ya bas' thats a bit warm...' would have happened, but... ( Aye, if we took to the fear all the time we'd get nowhere but there are times and places for being all luckily daft!!)
Whilst Mooch has rated the 5A at 25A, I'm not going to be entirely convinced that the factory is making EVERY cell to that level of QC. OK I know what to look for when taking the cells to 95% of theoretical max.

Right, more than enough pish fae me, I'm no totally having a go and cheers for adding some extra clarification. But having been there and done that when kit and people are pushed to the limits, you might get where I'm coming from.
Take it easy!!
Well, I do get you are coming from. And I agree with what you are saying. Maybe I too often assume, wrongly, that people are properly equipped to make informed decisions, based on sound facts. No everyone, as you said, knows the information is out there, or bothers to look for it. When I started using mechs I actually did my own research and pretty much only relied on factual data and ohm's law to make safe builds. Maybe I strayed from that as I got to use better hardware that enabled me to push past the boundaries of what is considered to be absolutely safe. That is however my own choice and responsibility, and you are right, I should stick to what is considered safe for everyone, rather that assume that what is good for me is good advice for others .
Totally hear what you guys are saying, and I hope I'm doing everything you guys have advised.
My education has taught me to always question and verify a source of information, so I'm unlikely to blindly follow the words of one. It gets added to the bank to be weighed in. But others might indeed.

I don't think there's much wrong with Tom's post perse, as long as there's a big fat warning that specifies the level of risk. At this point I'm tempted to agree that with the coils I have, I need to go a bit lower. But I don't dare go lower than 0.16 or something I think. I'm ugly enough as it is. I don't need massive scarring and blindness added.

I'm running 0.18, barely, now on the VTC5A as I figured with the voltage drop on both the Tauren and the Bonza mechs, I should be well within safe tolerance. Hell, even within tolerance of the 25A EXOs.

I was thinking more along the lines of material, number of wraps, type of coil, etc.

Ni80 juggernauts seem to work a bit better than claptons
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