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Absinthe (cloud 9)


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
Flavour Name: Absinthe

Manufacturer: cloud 9 vaping

Bottle size: 10ml
Price paid: £3.75

Price Per ml: 38p

Bought from: cloud 9 vaping


Review: This is my preferred absinthe, good aniseed, and a really deep complex flavour. OK I’ll come clean-it tastes of blackjacks, and I love black jacks. For some reason though the plastic lid split and most of the liquid escaped, I guess that is why the DV version comes in a glass bottle.

.Steeping: Good things come to those who wait


Throat hit: none

Value: A little pricey, but goes quite a long way

Use as a mixing ingredient:

Effects on tanks and atomizers and any known ‘nasties’: The flavour does not go, so you can kiss your atty goodbye!


This concentrate was bought with my own money. I have received neither payment nor payment in lieu through goods or services for writing this review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and made as ‘fair comment’. Please bear in mind that flavour and taste are a very personal thing. This review has not been edited or moderated by the owners or moderators of [url]www.planetofthevapes.co.uk[/URL] who may or may not agree / disagree with the comments made therein. Prices may include discounts and may have changed since time of purchase. Whilst every effort has been made to be as accurate as possible - Errors and Omissions – Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware).
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