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Advert that claims electronic cigarette is 'completely harmless' banned as misleading




A 'misleading' advert for an electronic cigarette brand which claimed it 'poses no health hazard' has been banned.
The website for Nicolites claimed the vapour inhaled and exhaled resembled smoke but was 'completely harmless'.

Watchdogs launched an investigation after a complaint the website misleadingly claimed that the product was not harmful and whether that could be substantiated.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/a...harmless-banned-misleading.html#ixzz2IAB0LrnP
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Stupid thing to put in an advert without proof in place to back up the claim.

Rule 1
ALWAYS have a backup lol
And how many anti E-Cig groups are going to use this as a "well if the advert was banned then it must be dangerous"

I know its not been proved either way but you know what they are like.

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