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Apr 4, 2013
Hi I am an ex smoker of 10 years, (was 20+ a day for 20 years). I do miss smoking and was thinking of starting using an ecig. Not sure what to get and worried it might make me want to start smoking again. What do you think? I was hoping I might lose the weight I gained when I quit?? And feel happier again??
any thoughts please?
I have quitted using a electronic and still to this day have my one stinkie that I had when I started vaping. I dont miss the cigs now and personally wouldnt go back, so id say that I doubt if vaping would cause you to start smoking but I guess everyone is different and the only real way to see is to try................. you get the nic hit but tbh that alone doesnt make me want a ciggy at all but frankly the other way around. I will be decreasing my mg soon hopefully as I am currently on 18mg mix and was like you a 20+ a day smoker.
One thing to bear in mind is that you have not smoked for years so not sure what kind of mg would suit you, maybe even 0 base as you may well be long over the nic need
It`s always a difficult one advising non / ex smokers as to E-Cigs, I would suggest perhaps a Zero nic based E-Cig unit (shisha types) tbh, as I suspect (although may be wrong) it`s the hand to mouth aspect that is missing, these look like a normal e-ciggy but some come in interesting colours try that if you want to and if that does not help then I would perhaps start of low say 2-4mg, you can also get Zero Nic juices from quite a few vendors (take a peek in the Market Place) here as well as discount codes :) , if you decide to go that way then you have a vast choice of Mods and tanks / carto`s etc to use with it.

Keep us informed as to how you are doing and feel free to ask away with any questions you may have.

Oh and above all... Welcome to the Planet :) .
Hi Elaine, welcome to POTV. I'm a very recent vaper and used to smoke about 40 roll ups a day (and that was for decades lol) until about a month and a half ago when I tried e-cigs, I never imagined it would be so easy to stop smoking and never crave cigarettes again. I've had a few close moments when I've run short of juice and the thought of having to have a cigarette to keep me going has been abhorrent, so I don't think it'll make you want to smoke again. Having said that I would never encourage anyone to take up drug habit (nicotine) even though its a habit I enjoy and feel so much better for, after smoking for so many years... So its something you have to make your own mind up about, but very good luck :)
Welcome Elaine, I was a 30years+ smoker. I did give up once and gained over a stone! So started smoking again and it literally dropped off again without me having to do anything!

Since switching 100% to vaping I have gained...a whole 2 pounds! So could I suggest that you may well find zero nicotine might be worth a shot first? There are some gorgeous flavours to try (I can't stand the taste of tobacco flavours now), fruits, desserts, which I wouldn't think would make you even think of cigarettes.

If, on zero nicotine, you find you are still really missing cigarettes, then it could be the nicotine you are craving. In which case, you could try the lowest nic liquid first and see how you go.

Best of luck and I'm sure you'll find something that works for you.
Hello and Welcome! I'd like to congratulate you for being and staying strong to achieve a goal like 10 years of no smoking.

Although they give the sensation and the satisfaction of smoking they are nothing like a cigarette, even as a smoker you need to adjust to it. If you really want to try, try getting a Ego style battery and a clearomiser also a 0 nicotine eliquid(since you are free of nicotine). Nicotine free eliquid will have less of throat hit when you inhale but as you have been off the fags for so long, the throat hit provided by the PG could be enough. If you really want the nicotine hit then try the lowest nicotine strength, for pre-made eliquids lowest I saw was 6mg.

I don't think it will aid losing weight though. Good luck. :D
I have to agree with Duality, Zero Nic Liquid will not lead to weight loss, because unfortunately its the nicotine that is an appetite suppressant!

My recommendation would be to start vaping, but 0mg Nic strength. It will give you the psychological effects of smoking (Hand to mouth, Inhaling/exhaling, throat hit and vaper) without the nicotine dependancy. You will experience the delights of all those lovely flavours and it becomes a lifestyle choice, if that makes sense. :)

As for putting on weight since giving up, just look at it as there is more of you now for people to love :)
I have to agree with Duality, Zero Nic Liquid will not lead to weight loss, because unfortunately its the nicotine that is an appetite suppressant!

That's true, however, if vaping with a coffee takes the place of a pudd, or biscuit/cake with the cup of coffee, it can still help!
Elaine health-e-Vape do a massive range of 0mg eliquids in any flavour you could want. Just select 0mg in the strength option. If you chose to go that way of course ;-)
all the best.
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