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Advice on a new rda

I've recently acquired a Pulse 22 which is very nice for a single coil RDA.
Gas mods GR-1 has 2 sets of airflow adapters, giving you multiple options. Dpro mini is one of my favourites atm. For me the airflow and flavour are spot on. Sorry I can't advise on high end, or their clones, I've found my budget level.

Currently running the gr1, very impressed. It's also been reduced to £19.99 On customvapes
Just ordered a dead rabbit rda clone, dual coil.
Got great reviews (some from people who have the authentic rabbit) and for 9.99...why the f not.
It'll be step 1 into squonk land
dual coil, i've got the drop dead and single coil / mesh the wotofo profile is amazing for flavour.
I just bought for mtl galaxies rdsa hope it's gonna be as good as there is plenty of reviews and ijoy combo srdta as dtl and using it atty single coil
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