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Advice on a potential first Squonk/RDA setup

Appreciate all the help on this, thanks guys. I have watched plenty of video's on all the suggestions (and also based decisions partly on availability of the item) and have gone with the drop solo RDA (final decision was based on the amount of play available with the air flow, lots of options to have a go at building and vaping at different resistances) and the ohm boy rage mod. I've also gone with the flatwire coil and got a handy little tool kit in the process :).

I’ve got both topsides, I tend to use the dual at home and take the single out as it can fit in a pocket fairly easily and it holds plenty of juice. They’re my only two mods and I find them to be brilliant.

For single coil rdas I use the drop solo or the recurve. Drop solo is better as the recurve is quite easy to over squonk and it then leaks but if you’re careful and watch when you squonk it’s a good little rda. Drop solo is very very easy to coil, there isn’t really a lot to it at all. But if you want lower ohms you’ll probably want a dual coil.

I’d get the coil master tool kit as the ohms reader is handy to build on. It’s got rubber on the bottom so it’ll stay still unlike on a mod.

I’ve been building for about a year and was so pleased the first time I built a coil.

Good luck


Didn’t read your last post, hope you’re happy with your purchase
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I have the drone 250c and topside dual They're both great. as for RDAs I have the drop, dead rabbit, recurve and profile for squonking they are all great too. The flavour is best from the drop and dead rabbit imo
I have the drone 250c and topside dual They're both great. as for RDAs I have the drop, dead rabbit, recurve and profile for squonking they are all great too. The flavour is best from the drop and dead rabbit imo
My dead rabbit build for flavor
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