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Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
Here's one that I have been pondering for a while and as I haven't managed to come up with many answers, I thought I'd seek the advice of the community?

I have been using cartomisers in my Jazz Carto Pipe. Now that I have become some what more proficient at filling them and looking after them in general, I have been thoroughly enjoying some great juices and getting very good results when it comes to Throat Hit etc.

In the foreseeable future, I had intended to get a Tank Kit for this Pipe, but, having now conducted a few tests using a few different heads on an egoTwist, I am left feeling somewhat uncertain about whether this will really work for me with the same degree of success as the cartos?

When I load a Carto with either of my preferred juices, (Mrs Lord's Rough Shag or Pipesauce Long Bottom Leaf) I know what sort of vape I am going to get and also know what TH to expect. However, when loaded into any of the following, Vivi Nova, Evod, or Smok Aro, I don't get such a burst of flavour. Clouds of Vapour yes, but nothing like as intense flavour. Now I assumed that this was down to several potential reasons, Ohmage differences between the Cartos and the coils? Wick material etc.

I am using Boge LR (1.8ohm) Cartos and I have had 1.8 ohm coils in the other tanks as well.I then tried upping the ohmage on the coils, but to no avail. The flavour just isn't as strong?

So, before I commit to buying a Tank Kit, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts and reasonings on the matter.
The reason I am considering the change was for convenience, but as you can see, I am really beginning to have cause to doubt the wisdom of doing this.

Over to you.
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The thing I have found with tanks is that they can often have a muted flavour compared to cartos, personally i believe this is because the size of the coil and wick are much smaller compared to cartos. It could also be a difference between using a plastic tank compared to the metal sides of the carto.

Have you ever tried a Carto tank? they would allow you to continue using your favoured cartos but with the added benefits of it auto refilling from the tank.

Recently there has been a great improvement with BCC's (bottom coil clearomisers) with the addition of a second wick and coil. Maybe you could try something like an Aspire BDC or the Anyvape Davide. They are essentially the same as the EVOD or the Aro you have tried but have 2 coils instead of just the one and in my experience produce more flavour than their single coil counterparts.
Flavour production in a carto is better than in a tank. It just is. There are lots of complicated reasons for this but you can boil lots of them down to a carto coil working in a small enclosed space giving a better distribution of heat from the coil. more or less.

There are 2 ways around this. 1) use a carto tank. 2) get a tank that mimics a carto to some extent.

Carto tanks are larger tanks that fit around the cartos you use. you punch a hole or two in said carto, stick it in the tank and liquid in the tank seeps into and refills the carto slowly as you vape. You get the same quality of vape and you get the convenience of longer time between refills. It's a bit of faff setting it up and punching the holes, but once you get the hang of it it's easy.

Tanks that mimic cartos (small enclosed space) are KayFuns, Russians, spheroids and all cost a few quids. Basically any atomiser that uses a 'chimney' in it somewhere will do the trick there are clones of these around now from what I hear a Fogger V2 is a decent clone buy for this style of tank though I've not used one myself. I have got a kayfun and it's really good.

The other mimic carto type tanks out now are Aspire tanks. The heads on these are a new design and are basically miniature cartomisers.

The best tank available to put it in atm are the Davide tanks from Anyvape, there are other varieties available too from CE5 style cheap and cheerful plastic ones to vivi nova style plastic and or glass ones and as they all use the same head you could buy a cheap CE5 say for a few pounds to test out whether you like the vape you get from an Aspire head without spending the nearly £20 for the Davide tank if you're not sure.

All that said though if you are really happy with the quality of vape you get from an actual cartomiser, then the best plan is probably to get a proper carto tank for it and keep using the things that you are already enjoying using.
Thanks to both of you for your thoughts on this, strangely, you both mention the very thing that I have been considering as the tank I would use, the "Davide", which has been highly recommended by several other people as well, so it must have something going for it? Now, Carto Tanks? My first foray into e-pipes was using one of the horrid automatic pipes like this one...........

I eventually got that tamed, just as it died! But it too had been something I had been considering, the tank that is.

Aha..... I have just realised...... talk about slow on the uptake!! It was Andrew of AndrewWVids who really sold me on the Davide, we have been chatting about this for I suppose a week now, and it was you that turned him on to it LOL.

Right, lots of food for thought, I'll keep you posted.
There's a guy that converts pipes into vapers, does a class job too although out of my price range, I stumbled upon it while researching mods, I can try and find the link to his site if you like

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Possibly Mycroft Milverton?

The Pipe itself is flawless, it was purely the idea of some added flexibility that set me off on this road.
I have a proper pipemod that has a 510 connection on it, and i tend to use a mini protank on it, i love it and find it gives good flavour and vapour.
Not having used a carto pipe i couldn't compare the two, suffice to say, pipes totally rock!
Possibly Mycroft Milverton?

The Pipe itself is flawless, it was purely the idea of some added flexibility that set me off on this road.

That's the dude, his work is stunning, thought about having a go at something similar myself
The really unfortunate thing was that when I stopped smoking my pipes, I sold the lot, never thinking that I could do conversions. Still, their sale has funded everything and a great deal more besides so I cannot complain. Have a go, there is a wealth of information and help out there.
I am waiting with baited breath, there are some new Jazz Cartos coming which apparently take his work to yet another level, due in very soon too.
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